Failing insanity??



  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    And, some of the fans are a little "cultish", IYKWIM :smile:
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member

    ALSO - hit the pause button until you have a chance to recover. This is super important.

    This! I pause it, catch my breath and start again so I'm still getting the same amount of active workout. I've never stuck to the schedule, I really need to but I love my gym time and I find it hard to do both, but it's such an awesome workout!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I quit as well due to boredom (doing same thing over and over got old quick) and it was hard. I breeze through P90X and I love it, get great burns, I do all the jillian michaels workouts and love them and get an awesome burn in short period of time too, but I can only handle insanity in small doses.

    I might try it again someday but for now I'll do other things and once in awhile I'll pop in and insanity video for a change of pace but I don't enjoy it as my main day to day program.

    I felt like a failure too at first but now I realize not every video is made for every person and I have plenty that I do love so I'll just keep going doing what works for me.
  • Hybrice
    Hybrice Posts: 117 Member
    I'm currently in day 4 of the program, it's very VERY hard for me as I'm in no way in shape, but I keep going and going with it. I can't keep up with them but I do my best and I sweat buckets for it, so it's working. The way I see it, it's hard, it's supposed to be, but as I go it should get easier. I'm following the schedule exactly so I get the workouts as they are meant to be done.

    The only failure is if you quit, or in my case, miss a scheduled day of it!

    I bet it will be 10 times easy the second time around for me :)
  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    I did the first month, but stopped after that. I have a lot of issues with my feet/ankles, and the second month of insanity was too much and caused me a lot of problems.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I haven't done it, but it will be like any other program. Keep at it and you'll realize one day that you can do it and much more.
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    The first couple of times I tried Insanity, I pretty much fell off the wagon around 2 weeks. Felt like an utter failure. Then I found out what my problem was......I wasn't giving myself enough time to rest. Working out 5-6 days a week is too much for me and I felt my sleep was suffering from it. Some days I would get home at 9-10pm after leaving the house/hotel at 5:30am only to do it all again the next day.

    I trimmed down to 3 times a week. I follow the schedule but I'm not trying to complete it in 90 days anymore. If I can get more than 3 days then it is an awesome week.

    *Edited for grammar
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Insanity is a very intense and high-impact workout. I got through it, but looking back, I don't think I'd do it again. I feel like it may have put too much stress on my body.

    You may want to consider something like T25. It's similar to Insanity in some ways (Shaun T - I do love him!!, some similar moves). But, I think it's a better and well-rounded program (Shorter time, 2nd month has more of a strength focus, modified moves for every workout, less very high impact moves).

    I'm doing a program called Tapout XT right now... while it's still intense, there isn't as much jumping or high impact activity. There's a variety of DVDs like for Insanity, but only one is really plyo based (so yeah, this one is a killer... but it's not like that every day at least). There is a nice variety like yoga, upper body, etc.

    Hope that helps.. I really don't think Insanity is for everyone. If you decide to continue with it, I think it's smart to go at your own pace and do what you can do. A good way to measure your progress is how you improve throughout the DVDs...remember, the people in the DVD are (at least mostly) paid professionals. They also may be taking multiple breaks between moves for all we know :)
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    I injured my achilles last year on the 1st test.. In the 1st 15 minutes. Haven't touched it since.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Depends on your definition of "failed". Did I do the entire 60 program according to the
    Have I integrated the program into my workout regiment, and will routinely mix in Insanity at least once a week.......yes.

    I don't believe I have failed because I will continue to push PLAY and still bust out a good burn.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Depends on your definition of "failed". Did I do the entire 60 program according to the
    Have I integrated the program into my workout regiment, and will routinely mix in Insanity at least once a week.......yes.

    I don't believe I have failed because I will continue to push PLAY and still bust out a good burn.


    I don't understand how you can "fail" a DVD fitness program.

    As with ANY fitness program- or lift- or exercise- you must modify for your level of fitness- if this means doing less- doing a slower pace- working from your knees/desk/chair- pressing pause.

    It's completely irrelevant. You do not NEED to do the exact program- modifying to fit your NEEDS is different than willy nilly saying- I don't like it so I'm changing it. You do what you have to do- but conintuing to TRY means you absolutely did not fail.

    It's an "I found a way to keep going" or "I quit thing"- not an I failed or passed because you did the program or not.
  • Musclepowerman
    Hi there, I am a bodybuilder and strong man am thinking about going to the Insanity class at the gym to help shred up. Do you think it be the right thing for me? Or too easy for an advanced bodybuilder? Some of the guys said it may be good as a warm up. What do those who have done it think?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The program is called "Insanity". That should be your first indication that it isn't going to be easy. In fact, it's probably going to be really, really tough. Failing isn't a big deal, everyone experiences it if they're working out intensely enough. Just keep working at it, like we all do.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Hi there, I am a bodybuilder and strong man am thinking about going to the Insanity class at the gym to help shred up. Do you think it be the right thing for me? Or too easy for an advanced bodybuilder? Some of the guys said it may be good as a warm up. What do those who have done it think?

    Kinda depends on how much cardio you do now, but I'd just point out that even people who are most of the way through (like me) or have completed the whole program only said it got easier... It is designed to never be easy :smiley:

    Definitely give it a go though!

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Krohnie wrote: »
    Anyone out there feel like they failed at insanity? I've only done the first four days (now I've missed two workouts)
    and I feel like an epic failure. Actually considering sending it back. I wanted more cardio than p90x, but even this warm up leaves me gasping and feeling bad. I do notice on the video how hard it is for even the fit people at the end, but really, I have to stop after 10 seconds and catch my breath for a minute. Feels like failure to me. Any tips? I'm trying to do my best and forget the rest, but my best is so god awful now that it brings me to a terrible place in my head.....

    its only failure if you give up and send it back...

    do what you can, pause when you need to and it DOES get easier.
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I feel exactly the same way...more because it has a specific calender of workouts and if I miss one I feel like I have to start all over again lol
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    My belief is that exercise should be something you can enjoy -- it should NOT be miserable. It doesn't need to be miserable to get the desired results.

    I say try something else. I'm doing Jillian Michaels 90 Day Body Revolution and while it is very challenging, it starts out reasonably. Every two weeks she ramps it up. I'm on weeks 9-10 out of 12 and loving it.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    There is nothing that says you have to go all out on the insanity videos. Many of the people in the video are professional trainers (Anna Kaiser, eg). Work at a pace you can maintain throughout the video and work a little harder next time. Your Fit Tests should show an improvement over time.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Use your pause button. You will find it easier and easier to get through. It is hard in the beginning, and you'll need more time than Shaun allows, but take your own breaks. Listen to your body.