I cant find the motivation to go anymore :(

3.5 weeks ago someone stole my car, as I have a severe ankle injury I was unable to walk to the gym so just didnt go. Now I have a new car and my gym stuff packed in it, I cant seem to find the motivation to go. Im trying to make excuses but I know there are none. I was doing well and have an overseas trip booked for 9 weeks time so want to lose 15kgs by then. How do I find the motivation to get off my backside after work (in an hour) and just go to the gym? I am back to eating right and drinking water, yet Im yawning and the thought of the gym is already killing me :( Before my car got stolen i loved going to the gym and felt great


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm so sorry about everything you're going through. However, keep in mind why you want this. For yourself, your body, your health. You won't get results if you don't do the work. Prove to yourself that you can stick with it even when things get hard; it will be one of the most valuable things you get out of the whole experience. You have the power!
  • Quit yawning and just go. Sorry about your car, but you have to get back on the wagon or you will hate yourself.
  • beemcbe
    beemcbe Posts: 22 Member
    I do the same thing. I'll catch a cold, or for some other reason skip the gym for a few days, then I'll have trouble getting myself back into the routine. Really the only thing you can do is drag yourself. Once you get in there you'll feel better, and it will be easier to get up off the couch tomorrow.
    Be your own motivation.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I agree to just get up and go. You'll feel better afterward and it won't be so hard to get there next time.
  • Im bad for this Im forever starting my diets on "Monday" or the 1st of the month and when i eat something i shouldnt, i just carry on anyway.

    If i dont go to the gym for a week or two i lose my motivation! I think i have been maybe 6 times this year so far and i can really feel it when i am doing my workouts how unfit i am getting.

    Where are you from?? I am in Wgtn.....
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Just take the first step and it'll become habit again. Gotta brush the excuses aside and just go.
  • kiwigal7
    kiwigal7 Posts: 13 Member
    Im in Auckland and finish work about now, Im just going to go, I know once Im doing my workout Ill feel great but right now I still dont want to. I need some motivation and support I think as I feel like im alone in my battle for health and vanity LOL. I so want this but (and this is my problem) Im so tired, i know its only because I havent been so .... BREATHE IN ..... off I go!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Just go. Promise yourself you will stay for 15 mins and if you want to leave after that - you can.
    Once you're back in the habit you'll be fine.
  • shirlsatrying
    shirlsatrying Posts: 24 Member
    Are you able to find someone to buddy up with and motivate each other to go? When you have someone counting on you being there it makes it for a reason and besides working out with a buddy is fun : )
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Im from NZ :)

    I had moments like that Kiwigal. Its the getting to the gym feeling that sucks but you feel so much better once you drag yourself there and do your workouts. maybe you should look at changing something in your workouts and make it a bit more fun?

    Ive just started a new programme today (weight lifting) Only took 25 minutes and the sweat was pouring off me
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If you're trying to lose 15 kg in 9 weeks, no wonder you're not motivated. It's not a realistic goal just in terms of fat loss, and working out will make you gain weight in muscle that will offset some of the weight you lose in fat (but will make you look totally hot). Try losing 3 cm waist circumference by then.
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    As hard as it sounds, just get up and go. Do it. I have days exactly like that, where I sit around and dawdle and really don't want to go to the gym, but I always end up going and I always feel much better.

    There is a picture of a gym with a quote which is very true, something like, I never regret going but I will always regret NOT going.
  • Macrocarpa
    Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
    Hey interesting fact for the day. You probably knew Nike's slogan is 'Just Do It', and that should be motivation enough, huh? Three little words that'll change your life?

    Let's go a lil bit INCEPTION now. You know what Nike MEANS? The word, not the brand?

    Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. Kinda poignant, huh. And a really clear message:

    You want victory? You want to be a goddess? JUST DO IT.

    You've packed your bag. It's in the car. Your body wants you to exercise. Your gym wants you to be there. Your endorphins are ready and waiting to scramble through your body giving you that neat little exercise high. Your brain secretly wants you to go. So stop rationalising and JUST DO IT. Get out there.

    EDIT: Didn't notice you were from New Zealand. So...I'm just gonna leave this here (motivation aplenty for me!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S92KA3RKguU
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    The first time will be the worst but once you go it should get easier and easier. The heat at the moment is crazy though!! (I'm in Auckland too!!) Does your gym have a pool? Otherwise try first thing in the morning as it is starting to cool down!
    One trick that I use is to write it in my diary and on our calender that is up in the kitchen - that way I feel as if it is an appointment and I will go and do it.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    Once you get there and start working out you will feel so much better and you will be glad you went.

    I agree....just do it!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Just go. Promise yourself you will stay for 15 mins and if you want to leave after that - you can.
    Once you're back in the habit you'll be fine.

    I like this. If a big workout is too much to commit to, then commit to a small one. Commit to putting on your shoes, driving over and walking around the gym for 15 minutes. Most likely, once you get in your car to go, you'll be fine.
  • luvheart21
    luvheart21 Posts: 11 Member
    Force yourself to take that First step to show up at the gym... one step at a time. Small steps. I hit those excuse days as well... Grantee you are not alone there, but show yourself you can do it! Because I know you can. HAPPY GYM TIME! p.s. have you found a form of exercise that fits you and makes you happy? I tend to make more excuses when I hate the routine I've set up for myself. I like tennis and zumba:)
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    3.5 weeks ago someone stole my car, as I have a severe ankle injury I was unable to walk to the gym so just didnt go. Now I have a new car and my gym stuff packed in it, I cant seem to find the motivation to go. Im trying to make excuses but I know there are none. I was doing well and have an overseas trip booked for 9 weeks time so want to lose 15kgs by then. How do I find the motivation to get off my backside after work (in an hour) and just go to the gym? I am back to eating right and drinking water, yet Im yawning and the thought of the gym is already killing me :( Before my car got stolen i loved going to the gym and felt great

    my sister in law/bff/godmother to my kids died almost a year ago. i stopped everything. now 10 lbs heavier since then, I FINALLY went back, but once in the door, it was like I never left. Just go. Once your back, and remember how good it feels, you'll wonder what took you so long.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    3.5 weeks ago someone stole my car, as I have a severe ankle injury I was unable to walk to the gym so just didnt go. Now I have a new car and my gym stuff packed in it, I cant seem to find the motivation to go. Im trying to make excuses but I know there are none. I was doing well and have an overseas trip booked for 9 weeks time so want to lose 15kgs by then. How do I find the motivation to get off my backside after work (in an hour) and just go to the gym? I am back to eating right and drinking water, yet Im yawning and the thought of the gym is already killing me :( Before my car got stolen i loved going to the gym and felt great

    my sister in law/bff/godmother to my kids died almost a year ago. i stopped everything. now 10 lbs heavier since then, I FINALLY went back, but once in the door, it was like I never left. Just go. Once your back, and remember how good it feels, you'll wonder what took you so long.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    PS. As you can see by my ticker, I just started back at this one week ago....2 lbs down. can feel the muscles in my legs and waist/lats. Do it!!!
  • everyone advice sounds good, but sometimes when the motivation is gone theres only one thing you can do... 5hr energy, seriously take one and then BOOM the gym will sound like the most amazing thing everr.. I've done this when im down and just dont feel like working.. try it... :)