PCOS Cysters out there

First of all say hi and let us know about yourself :)

I just wanted to let you all know about insulin resistance if you don't already. For most with PCOS,
an insulin resistance is the root cause of PCOS. The body over produces insulin and thus there are blood sugar spikes and drops that lead to a hormonal imbalance, aka PCOS. YES men can get it too.

I have been doing the diet for insulin resistance and how it works is to balance carbs with protein to keep your blood sugar stable. Basically 30 carbs max a meal and 14 g protein minimum. Snacks are half this. It can seem tricky but the book makes it very simple. It also works with the glycemic index. When I started the diet I lost 15 pounds the first week and I lost 30 pounds before even working out. I've been stuck since then and only recently realize my protein was not up to par. I hope to start losing weight again and working out more. The book really helped me to understand how my body works and what I need to do for it, even if I don't always do what I should.

What diets work for you? Have you tried the glycemic index or insulin resistance diet?


  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Low G.i works for me :)
    As long as I have protein with every meal, I'm good to go.
    Also, the more protein, the easier the diet is for me.

    PS I also have PCOS. IT must be a Nicky curse!!
  • reglass0415
    reglass0415 Posts: 1 Member
    I have it too and I am a Rikki, maybe its a rhyming names thing. Ill have to try both suggestions!
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I have PCOS and I'm anemic...sigh..I've been looking for diet tips forever!
  • My name is Michelle and I, too, have PCOS! This book you're referring to sounds like Freedom From PCOS by Katie Humphrey.... I've used her method and lost 60lbs in the past Then, I stopped and now I gained all of it back and then some. I was diagnosed back in 2006 and it has been an uphill battle since then and I've watched my weight raise so high, I'm at the heaviest I've ever been. It sucks but, I am working hard to get back into gear! Feel free to add me!
  • I'm Jasmine. Was dx'd with it 6 years ago... overcame it though with the help of a great RE and dropping a bit of weight... I'm now a Mommy to 1 year old twin boys!
  • Hi! My name is Crys. I've never really dieted bc I've never been overweight because of my PCOS, but I have the other dreaded curse...facial hair! Quite embarrassing and a serious blow to your self esteem...y'all may already know.

    I don't have much to add...I just saw this topic on my homepage and was excited that there were PCOS MFP's.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    me too and I could not loose weight for anything, until my doctor put me on metformin, now I am trucking along with my weight loss :bigsmile:
  • Poemetra
    Poemetra Posts: 47 Member
    I have it too and my name is Ashley lol. Anyways, in the past I did low carb and it worked for me. I lost about 20 pounds but then I stopped and started listening to others around me about what to eat and I gained it back. :( But I am determined to listen to my body and do what works for me. I will support you fellow Cyster lol.
  • I have PCOS and I'm anemic...sigh..I've been looking for diet tips forever!

    I was anemic too until I started taking birth control.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    How can men get poly-cystic ovarian syndrome without ovaries?
  • LMT90
    LMT90 Posts: 24

    I have been doing the diet for insulin resistance and how it works is to balance carbs with protein to keep your blood sugar stable. Basically 30 carbs max a meal and 14 g protein minimum. Snacks are half this. It can seem tricky but the book makes it very simple. It also works with the glycemic index. When I started the diet I lost 15 pounds the first week and I lost 30 pounds before even working out. I've been stuck since then and only recently realize my protein was not up to par. I hope to start losing weight again and working out more. The book really helped me to understand how my body works and what I need to do for it, even if I don't always do what I should.

    Hi :smile:
    Im a fellow pcos cyster too and your diet sounds really interesting and I am wondering if it may be of some use to me. I am not yet insulin resistant but I am apparently in the grey area so they cannot say that at some point I wont be. I am currently doing weight watchers, started last Thursday. I have had success on it before so I am hopefuly however I would be interested to read about this diet.
    Congratulations on the weight loss though :drinker: x
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    How can men get poly-cystic ovarian syndrome without ovaries?

    I believe she meant insulin resistance.
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi Another PCOS cyster here, although i am no longer getting many pf the symptoms since i started my MFP journey. I am hoping that this is due to my weight loss. Not doing any low carb or GI type diets, just normal healthy eating and proper portion control are working for me.
  • liegeygirl
    liegeygirl Posts: 20 Member
    While living in MS, I was diagnosed with PCOS, but since I've been living in GA, I've had an Endo find more out about my diagnosis. She has ran tons of tests and found that my testosterone is high, but she is investigating it more to find out what is the root of the problem. I'll definitely give you all an update when I get all of my tests results back. She's an excellent doctor and I am truly happy I found her. But for now... I'm a fellow cyster too!! And my name is Trineeta!!
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    My name is Tamira. I have known about my PCOS since 2005. It was discovered when I was trying to find out why I couldn't get pregnant. I have never really connected my weight issues and belly fat to PCOS until recently and even then didn't do anything special to target weight loss while dealing with that issue. However, I did notice that most of my weight loss in the beginning was during a time when I paid lots of attention to the amount of carbs I was getting and my protein intake was higher than normal.

    What's the name of the book you speak of?

    Are there diet plans specifically geared toward women with PCOS? Outside from the dreaded facial hair I have never really attempted to do anything about my condition. I was basically told I had it and here's how to get pregnant, but was given no other information about it.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello I'm Shawna I am 20 years old.. I am insulin resistant and I was diagnosed with diabeties when I was only 15 years old...& I was put on insulin shots at 16. I had gained 100lbs in one year due to the diabeties and my sugar being so out of control. I was then diagnosed with PCOS at 18 years old.. I have since then lost about 80lbs and due to the weight loss was able to get off of insulin and put on metformin! Me and my husband are hoping this weight loss helps with us getting pregnant in the near future! Thank you everyone for sharing your storys because I know sometimes it can be really difficult. (:
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Wow, the only advice I got from the doctor about PCOS was "here's some birth control pills, shave the facial hair if it bothers you."
  • ValHallaGirl
    ValHallaGirl Posts: 73 Member
    I found out i had type 2 diabetes at age 12, when i had to get a physical for middle school. They also told me i had PCOS and just threw some birth control at me and didn't tell me a thing about it. I didn't really know much about it until i started trying to be healthy. I have all the side affects and i hate, hate, hate it! I was wondering if anyone that has lost a lot of weight or just any has and the side affects lessen?
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I found out i had type 2 diabetes at age 12, when i had to get a physical for middle school. They also told me i had PCOS and just threw some birth control at me and didn't tell me a thing about it. I didn't really know much about it until i started trying to be healthy. I have all the side affects and i hate, hate, hate it! I was wondering if anyone that has lost a lot of weight or just any has and the side affects lessen?

    Since i have lost the weight i have noticed that ToM has been exactly that, once a month. I have never actually been regular since i started at age 10 so this was quite a shock, also the pains i get are a lot les uncomfortable. When i lost weight last time (3 stone) I was able to get pregnant without medication which was also a huge shock as i was told IVF was my only hope. Sadly i havent noticed any reduction in the excess hair!

    Edited to say i started at 198lbs and am now 175ish
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello...YESSSSS once some of the wight came off the pcos symptoms started to get less and less..