Only 60 calories left for dinner:(



  • Treed79
    Treed79 Posts: 28 Member
    FWIW, I looked at the last few days on your food diary. Don't want to offend in any way, so please feel free to ignore this. I noticed a couple things. First, I noticed a few days over 300 calories for beverages. I don't drink my calories except for a little french vanilla in my home brewed coffee. I'd rather have a piece of cake or a Snickers Bar than a soda LOL! Also, eating out much will kill my calories each day, so I plan ahead and prepare my meals at home - I get to eat soooooo much more food. Eating out is a special treat maybe once a week. Hope you found something to satisfy for dinner this evening and wishing you much success!

    I think what she meant was to choose your beverages more carefully. Like if you drink a glass of water instead of juice then you can use those calories that you saved by drinking water on your dinner or whatever. If you don't care for plain water try flavoring it with some lemon and stevia. I always order water with lemon when I go out eat so that I can choose something better off the menu. The amount of calories in a glass of Pepsi I could eat a strawberry shortcake. :wink:
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I find if i enter all my food the night before i always have plenty for each meal. Course i figure exercise in there as well