Your first 'love'



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    I was 21 and he told me he was 45. I thought oh a guy older than my father would never harm me. He would only love and cherish and protect me.

    Turns out he was 60. My mother and grandmother said they suspected it but they didn’t tell me. They just kept telling me he looked dyspeptic and I didn’t even know what that word meant.

    Also he was a sociopath but he sure was a sweet talker and I was over the moon because he bought me a $250 handbag from Lord and Taylor.

    To be fair, all of the most violent and harmful relationships I ever had were with men who were 10+ my age. Sad thing is, with the exception of one, the other two were emotionally and psychologically abusive, which in some ways is worse than the physical abuse because it's slow, insidious and not overtly known.

    Those relationships messed me up the most. The manipulation is the worst.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited March 2020
    My first love was when I was 22. We dated until I was 27. It ended badly. He still calls 10 years later. I saw him once last year and he tried to reconcile but I was not having it.