Travel Itch...



  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    My career I traveled 15/30 days per month. We are still using saved up points for hotels and airlines. My wife and I enjoy jaunts to the Caribbean and have done the Europe thing twice, usually end up staying with relatives hand having them be tour guides. We are probably going to Ireland late this summer as a part of a seminar package in Scotland - but watching world situations and gas prices may abridge long range plans.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    I would LOVE to be able to travel more, but unfortunately that is not in the cards right now. I will make it to Europe someday!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 292 Member
    oh yeah!!! I have just sold my house (packing up right now) - am buying a caravan and 4WD and hope to travel around Australia for the rest of my days!!!! Awesome!!! I am getting really excited now :-) Gypsy for ever more :happy:
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Sacrifices to afford travel are worth it to me! I love to travel. I love the sights, sounds, smells, and culture of other places in our world.

    I'm currently working on visiting every state in The United States. My goal is to do a half marathon in all 50. 36 down ... give me 6 days and it will be 37. :smile:

    I enjoy getting out of my safety net of the states as well. Sooo much to see. Sooo much to taste. Sooo many people to meet.

    As soon as I conquer a half in all 50 states, I'll work on a half marathon on every continent. I think I have to bump it up for Antarctica, though. I think there's only full marathons offered in that neck of the woods.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    I love to travel...could be because my parents were truck I have a travel bug. I've been to 49 out of 50 states...been to the majority of the islands in the Caribbean (actually living in Jamaica for a bit in my early college days as a semester-at-sea student for two semesters studying Marine Biology)....

    I didn't travel last year because I was recovering from a car accident...but, I'm excited to be going to Vegas in a few weeks and I'll be going to California at the end of the year =)
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    I absolutely love travel and, like you, if I don't leave my state every couple months I start to go a little crazy. I haven't been anywhere toooo exciting. Except Guam. That was amazing and by far the BEST trip of my life thus far. I spent a couple days in Waikiki, Hawaii which was great as well. Other than that all my travel has been state side. Montana, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Arkansas, Tennessee. This fall I am going to Turkey, Germany, and hopefully Paris. That will be one big amazing trip. Can't wait.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    we are big travellers, we dont have kids so extra cash goes on holidays.

    this year we have been to the canary islands already, and we go to Mexico in September.

    living in the uk i have travelled alot of europe, Italy, greek islands, gibraltar, spain, canaries, turkey, malta.

    i have also been to Egypt, Cuba, St Lucia (twice), Miami, Orlando, St Petersburg, NYC.

    Next year i am taking my mum to NYC, and we are doing a 2 week fly drive on the west coast.

    2014 is Japan and New Zealand.

    2015 we will be buying a house :)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm a big travel bug. I travel for work (domestic and international) and take weekend and vacation travel to international locations. Last year, I spend about 80% of the year traveling and about half of my year was spent outside the US.

    The hardest part is keeping food and exercise on track.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I love traveling and I wish I could do more of it! Here's a list of where I've been:

    San Diego
    Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

    I'd love to step it up and do some overseas travel. The next big trip I have is Hawaii in September that I'm beyond excited about!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yep. Been to more than 13 countries. Next month we are taking a half country road trip. Pretty excited about it. And in May, we are trying to go to Hawaii.

    Here is where I've been, I suppose, to name a few:
    -Mexico (traveled more than 20 states/more than 50 cities)
    - Spain
    -Gilbratar (a colony)
    - France
    -Cayman Islands
    - Singapore

  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    I'm from Toledo, OH... so far I've been to Oregon, Washington, Texas, Louisianna, Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania
    Outside the US I've been to Belize and to the Dominican Republic. I'd do a lot more if I could, but kids and finances don't allow it much.
  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    I love traveling. I look forward to two big trips a year once I'm able to. I've been to almost every state in the US excluding the North West (Washington area). I've lived in Illinois, Iowa, Georgia (twice) and Texas. I'm 26 and hoping to live in two more states before I hit 35 and Travel more extensively outside of the US. I've been to the Bahama's and Toronto as of now.

    My favorite US cities are LA and Denver!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I live to travel but it seems I rarely get to. I am envious of all of you who get to go.
  • a1wonder
    a1wonder Posts: 95 Member
    Glad to read I'm not the only one, our grace periods between ventures are simply the time it takes for us to save up for the next plane ticket. You only live once right, and there is just so much amazing stuff in this world to see. I'm worried that in a few years with the cost of gas and what not going up it might not be as feasible to do some of the longer trans Atlantic treks .

    My second thought is that right now we don't have kids so its A lot cheaper. Many ppl I've talked to say you can travel with kids and I'm sure you can and it would add a whole new dimension but I think that's only practical if your staying domestic or within North American someone how dropping 2k on a five year old to hop the pond seems like a bit much.

    Another couple of big trips I'd like to plan in the next five years would be hitting Asia up again (Japan once more, and China) and doing Machu Picchu in South America. There are a couple of other sites I'd like to visit however since I'm a female I'm more hesitant to go Egypt, Mecca (that was mentioned previously) and a lot of the wholly land even with my husband I'm not sure how comfortable I would be.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    We're big travel fans, I think I must have been born with itchy feet. Our problem is too many places to go & never enough time or money.:laugh:
    This year we're off to New Orleans to meet up with friends, and making the most of our little caravan while we're 'at home', then Germany in Oct.
    The next big trip is next year, New Zealand South Island.
    We both want to go back to India again, and Italy , Vancouver Island was fantastic so want to go back there......................

    Like I said too many places, not enough time.
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    How do you guys afford it? My last trip tapped me out, granted it was three months long, but it'll take forever to recoup the money.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    How do you guys afford it? My last trip tapped me out, granted it was three months long, but it'll take forever to recoup the money.

    I travel for work, so I try to lump the trip on during a weekend or at the end. Saves on the expense of airtravel and has allowed me to go to some really cool places (Dubai, Phuket, Bangkok, Macau, Amsterdam, Istambul, etc.)

    I also save up for a big trip with my daughter every four years. Next up, Asia in the Summer of 2014.