Water. How much do we REALLY need to shed pounds?



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Be careful with OVER hydrating. It's true that water helps the liver flush the stored fat out of your system. However, if you drink TOO much water, you will lose electrolytes. This happened to me once. I had flushed my system too much and ended up passing out at work. Getting carted off in an ambulance in front of your coworkers in NOT a fun!

    My suggestion (IMHO) just stick to the 8 glasses PLUS 8 oz per 25 lbs over weight.


    That is very true, My grandma got herself over hydrated once and had passed out in our kitchen, ambulance had to get her and she had to get a stomach pump and everything. It was scary, I didn't know you could over hydrate yourself before that day.
  • onewithwings
    I generally plan my water intake much like I plan my meals. It's measured the day before.
  • Mellaout
    Mellaout Posts: 7 Member
    I agree, I do this with a 22oz bottle. It goes everywhere I do, it's funny cause I will get looks when I walk into a resturant too (I barely eat out lol) it's just a habit. I have noticed that my complexion is so nice and smooth and I swear it looks like I have foundation on....ha! lovin it ;)
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    absolutely agree! If i don't drink at least 64oz of water a day my weight loss stagnates, sometimes even gaining a lb or two back! When i drink a lot of water however i see major losses and i'm not nearly as hungry. My skin is also more clear when i drink a lot of water, and the dark circles around my eyes lighten up :)
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I drink 8-10 glasses a day but with acid reflux, I get sick if I drink too much.
  • liv_sexy
    Another note on the water intake...if you drink any caffeine, this includes Green Tea and pop, you need to drink an extra glass of water to compensate for each glass of caffeine ingested. Caffeine dehydrates your body of water and actually causes fatigue contrary to popular believe.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    One way I've found to keep my water intake way up there is to carry around a 32oz sport bottle. I start drinking it as soon as I wake up in the morning. I keep drinking until it's gone...usually around 10am. I refill and usually finish that one off with my lunch. I refill again, and by the time I finish my workout in the afternoon, that one is gone. I drink three minimum, but I usually end up refilling again after my workout and drink another whole bottle by bedtime. Yes, I pee alot, but it's worth it because I feel so much better when I'm getting plenty of water. Oh yeah, and, BONUS, I really notice a difference in my skin....it's sooo much healthier.

    i do the exact same thing and i swear i go number one at least 15 times a day! It is soooo irritating. I love water and the way i feel drinking water, but i hate cutting into all of my daily activities cause i pee so much.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Drink water until your urine is clear, at that point, you're hydrated.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I like water, so I tend to drink a lot of it, but I really don't think that drinking moar water = more weight loss. You need a little liquid to be regular and have nice skin, but weight loss should really just come down to calories.

    I used to believe that drinking water would make you lose weight, but that just seems a little ho-science-esque to me.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Another note on the water intake...if you drink any caffeine, this includes Green Tea and pop, you need to drink an extra glass of water to compensate for each glass of caffeine ingested. Caffeine dehydrates your body of water and actually causes fatigue contrary to popular believe.

    This is not true, you need around 7 cups of coffee to get any type of diuretic effect from coffee. Check the following link:


    Also guys, don't forget that stuff you eat has liquid in it too. It all counts. That apple you ate? Guess how much of it is water, bananas, veggies, even meat, it all has water in it and IT ALL can count toward your intake.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I use the water your body app on android to track my water intake/remind me to drink water. You put in your weight (and I think height can't quite remember) and it tells you how much to drink. Not sure how accurate it is, however as I have lost weight the number I need to drink goes down.
    Right now its 1500ml which is 5 glasses, but I usually have 6 just because i've already got into the routine of that.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Due to problems with kidneys I have to limit my fluid intake to 56 oz a day...I honestly go over by about 8 oz or so daily but it was definately a struggle at first as I've been drinking probably double that for years per day.