Hello from Australia

Hi Guys

I think I posted ages and ages ago but didn't really become active on the boards luckily my workouts didn't turn out like that :)

Anyway going to become more active on here I am from Melbourne goto the gym regularly generally just workout harder and harder lost over 20kgs so far.

I work in an office which I think is the worst possible type of job to have if you want to lose weight anyway here for anyone who needs some motivational or general advice.

Add me as a friend if you like I won't bite.

Be nice to see fellow Australians around to :)

I am starting a 90 day serious cut tomorrow to hopefully that will remove the last of my bodyfat reason I say serious is because its easy to cut for a week then forget about it :) I'll be blogging about it on here regularly.




  • syvreta
    Hi there from Forster NSW. I have been slowly exercising and have just started to replace one meal a day with juiced vegetable, 3 times a week cycling at gym, yoga once a week and swimming laps. Am seriously trying hard and cannot shift any weight, but I feel great.

    Taking things one day at a time but it ain't easy.

    Hope it goes well for you