Are you honest with your food diary?



  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    I am about 98% honest, I weight my food to count calories properly but if I use up all the cream cheese and a little bit is left in the tub, I will use my finger and eat it with out counting.
  • lissadavis
    lissadavis Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not as honest as I want to be. I'll often have a bite of what my husband's eating, or taste my preschooler's food before I give it to her to make sure it's ok, and I'm way too lazy to log all that. But I try to inflate the portion of something else I do log to make up for it. I haven't binged lately, but when I've eaten out I've just put something like 1500 quick calories. In the past, when I had a bad night and ate one thing after another, I just didn't log anything.

    I realize that "I'm only cheating myself,' and I'm trying to get better gradually instead of beating myself up. Making my diary public to my friends has helped a lot.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I track absolutely everything! If i didnt' i would feel like i'm cheating on myself :/
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    I track absolutely everything. Even my 3 calorie supplement :bigsmile:
  • onegoal2
    I just started about a week ago. I Track everything, Its been an eye Opening experience just comparing what I ate before to what I am trying to eat now. Keep up with counting everything!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I tell like it is, I track EVERYTHING. Yeah i might forget coffee. I usually load before i even eat, when my plate is infront of me. Yesterday, i was over by 400+ all because i was snackin on peanut butter, the whole flippen day.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    i only log significant things and leave out things like condiments or a handful of nuts etc.

    i don't think it's "lying" if i am still aware of it whether it's written down or not...

    A handful of nuts isn't really comparable to condiments.

    Nuts are VERY calorie dense. they're great for you, but you're fooling yourself if you think that you can eat a handful and it not count to your calories for the day in a pretty significant way. That handful of nuts will be the calorific equivalent of at least a bag of crisps. Probably more.
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Yes I am totally honest with my diary. I am only cheating myself otherwise!
  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
    Yup! I track EVERYTHING. No good lying about it - I dont need my diary to look "pretty" for everyone. That isn't the point. If I eat crap all day long, its not good in saying I didn't, or fudging it to look "better" - because at the end of the day, I know what I ate, and I need to be accountable!
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    Yes, I am. I dk why someone would NOT be. It defeats the purpose. It's not like if you don't put it in your food diary, you never ate it. lol. :noway:

    Kinda like when I used to eat fast food on a regular basis, I would hide and eat it so that no one would see that way it was like I never ate it. I could hardly believe I ever did that :cry:
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    I think some people are maybe embarrassed to put it on there if they have had a blow out or had a load of chocolate. I usually track even if it has all gone horribly wrong - but sometimes I don't just because I can't be bothered logging all those extra cals!! But I am doing this less and less. Definitely think honest tracking is the way to success.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I lived the logging through stages
    #1 - I was using it have a rough idea of how much calories my meals "might" contain
    #2- I wasn't logging stuff that was out of track (even when I had 0 friends here !)
    #3 - I wasn't logging my binges at all, I wasn't let's say "strong" enough, and still in a denial phase. it was unbearable for me to exceed my logged stuff
    #4- Logging helped me, by logging everything, I was able to binge, log (not totally though) but hit my goals by eating less for the meals to come
    #5- Nazi loging and macros hits helped me to avoid binges somehow, I didn't want to ruin a day with a binge :D
    #6- Now, I log everything and I'm not in the denial anymore - if I explode the goal by eating two times - fine, at least I know how cal that represent :D
  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    Right now I am only tracking my exercise. Some days I track my food but that is only to see where I am at or if I am tracking something specific like Sodium.
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I think some people are maybe embarrassed to put it on there if they have had a blow out or had a load of chocolate. I usually track even if it has all gone horribly wrong - but sometimes I don't just because I can't be bothered logging all those extra cals!! But I am doing this less and less. Definitely think honest tracking is the way to success.

    I try to be brutally honest so that I can see that last week on Valentines, when I ate Chili's .. I can see the big red bar way above my calorie goal for the day... I felt sick the entire next day because of that junk!
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    Sometimes I get to the end of the day, think I am doing well on the calorie count, then remember OH NO I forgot to log that snack I had. I am a picker and often just mindlessly pick something up to nibble. It is so good for me to have to try to log every little thing - now before I eat it I think 'do I really NEED to eat this'??
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    This was an excellent question and one that a lot of people should really think about. When making your diary public and allowing others to view it ... adds a little pressure and sometimes causes people to " fudge " a little. When I began this journey I kept my diary private ... it wasn't until recently I was willing to take the acknowledgment that when I have a bad day ... everybody will know it. I am perfectly fine with this now ... and I encourage my friends to call me out ! It keeps me focused and knowing that others are watching ... supporting me ... makes the pot all the sweeter !

    With that being said ... I would like to give one piece of advice to those who aren't telling the whole truth .. the only person your fooling is yourself ! Log it all .. EVERYTHING ... come to terms with what is holding you back and get in the habit of making small changes daily ! Don't make your diary public until YOUR ready to face the audience ... best time to put on a show is when you have finally mastered the task.

    I wish you all the best of luck .... and keep loggin' ! :smile:
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I track most things. I wasn't tracking Pepsi Max because even if I drank 2 litres a day it wouldn't make a significant difference to anything, and I was mostly drinking 500ml - 750ml a day, tops. I haven't drunk any in over a week now though, just water. I don't log the multivitamin I take every day either. Again, because I don't see it makes a difference one way or the other. Everything else, I log. If it's something home-made or from a bakery that doesn't publish nutritional info, then I try and guess the calories and add those. I have been known to eat something at say 11pm but log it against the next day in order to not go over that week's calorie limit though... which I know isn't a good idea, but at least I am still accounting for it in the overall weekly averages, and dropping my daily calories the next day to allow for it. My next goal is to stop doing that, and to hit my net calories (plus or minus say 50) every day for a whole month.

    ETA: Forgot to say that I don't log the two slices of cucumber or leaf of lettuce or raw onion that I put on sandwiches. I do log butter and salad cream though.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    My diary is private and its my tool (only shared with my dr) so I want to use it wisely and efficiently. I don't track, coffee, tea, diet soda, herbs, spices, fish oil tablets, and raw carrots and celery. When I am on out-of-town vacation, I try to stick to the intent of my food plan, but I do not track (and ironically I almost always lose weight, doesn't work at home though).
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I don't track couple of sugar free drinks, fries, candies etc. However,
    1. If I have grilled food (done on George Foreman), then I still right conventionally grilled value. You can visibly see the oils removed by George Foreman.
    2. Similarly, for brown rice, I use boiling method which removes lots of starch but I still login conventionally cooked rice.
    3.Thirdly, I tend to eat on my BMR which is high than what MFP recommends, considering the deficit it creates for weight loss. So, if I am more by 250 cal a day, I don't bother as it will make a weight loss rate of 0.5lb/week.
    4. I do weight training and HIIT, so I believe I am burning energy while sitting.

    So the point- if you have high offsetting activities, then there is no point in being very precise.