35 Days ago

Well started using this app 35 days ago it's really help me keep in check and also meet a few new ppl for the journy that i've started.

It's been great reading other ppl diarys for meal ideas and the posts on this site. I went for my weigh in this morning at my Doc's and ive lost 9.6kg (21.1lbs) so far and even with it only being 35 days into my journey ive seen and also feel changes with myself.

I have also now been intouch with a local Gym and will be going to get check out on the 5th March before I can start, I've never step foot into a gym before so I'm abit scared with me being so BIG and my idea of ppl at a gym is they all Skinny and Fit. But with my tee-shirts not being so tight on me now, I now feel slightly more confident and for that I have to thank


because if i hadnt found the app and the few ppl that added me as friend on here I dont think id have kept the motivation to keep

Still continuing my journey,
John :drinker:


  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    thats amazing. you are certainly on your way, keep it up!
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    You've done awesome. Remember that consistency is the key to doing this the right way. Be patient with yourself and don't look for short cuts. You've made an incredible start, now let's continue strong!