Green Beans

Help! How do you figure out the calorie count for fresh green beans? I know the calorie count for 1 cup...but come on, green beans are can't mash them into a cup to measure. I suppose you could cut them in inch size pieces but that would be a lot more work. Anybody have any idea how many calories in ounces of steamed green beans? This sucks...fresh is better (tasting and good for you)...but it would have been easier to eat canned because it has a nutrition label! Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • MFR1974
    MFR1974 Posts: 92
    Help! How do you figure out the calorie count for fresh green beans? I know the calorie count for 1 cup...but come on, green beans are can't mash them into a cup to measure. I suppose you could cut them in inch size pieces but that would be a lot more work. Anybody have any idea how many calories in ounces of steamed green beans? This sucks...fresh is better (tasting and good for you)...but it would have been easier to eat canned because it has a nutrition label! Any advice would be much appreciated.
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    FOR 3 OZ OF GREEN BEans there are 25 calories, instead of buying canned buy frozen ones, they are just as healthy as fresh and canned vegetables are LOADED with sodium.

    Hope that helps
  • MFR1974
    MFR1974 Posts: 92
    thanks a bunch...I do like the fresh better though...gotta support our local farmers!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    i'm with you on the fresh ones as well!!! they taste so much better!