Jillian Michaels DVDs.. Which order do you like to do them?

I love her videos because they are shorter than other videos and much easier to get into my busy schedule. There are like 10 videos and I am doing 30DS now but wondered which one I should do next.

Ripped in 30
Extreme Shed and Shred
Shred it
No more trouble zones
Yoga Meltdown
6 Week Six pack
Kickbox Fastfix
Killer buns and thighs
Banish fat boost metabolism

If I am missing any I apologize. These are the ones on her website. Now I want someone who has done these or some of them to tell me if I should be doing them in a certain order. Are some harder than others?

I want to get the most when I work out and the 30 Dayshred is amazing but I want to make sure I work everything I can and get the most of my workout not getting too used to what I am doing.

Thank You so much!!! I have 27 more pounds to lose and have found that I will not be able to do this with just counting calories alone since I still have the problematic loose skin from my baby.


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i would like to know too, i am doing 30ds for the second time now and i would like to get a new one to start in april. I was thinking ripped in 30 next?
  • I would also like to know about this. I have 30DS which i am up to day 7 on so hoping to get results. Seeing so many good before/after pics im sure there will be a difference but I would like to know what her other DVDs are like too if anyone has tried them

  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I just finished 30DS now moving to Ripped in 30 (in the morning) AND doing 6W6P in the evening. Bathing suit season is so close, need to work hard !
  • I finished 30DS and now I'm doing Ripped in 30. It was either that or Shed and Shred but those workouts are longer so I'm working up to that one.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    ok so can someone tell me which ones of hers are still 30 min workouts? i want to stick with those b/c that is all i have time for somedays....
  • isk8nbessy
    isk8nbessy Posts: 20 Member
    I would like to know this as well!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    Extreme Shed & Shred have 2 levels 30 minutes per level. She recommends combining the 2 which is an hour long workout. I've been doing the hour long and WOW! What a workout!!! I'm exhausted afterwards. But I already "feel" smaller :smile:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    how much harder is the extreme shed and shred compared to 30ds? i would never have the time to do both but if 1 work out is comparable to 30 ds then i will get that one and ripped in 30...
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Ripped in 30 is short like the 30DS time wise. I like it and it seems a good next step after the 30DS.

    I am also doing 6W6P which is short time wise but alot of moves and not as organized (to me) as 30DS and Ripped
  • innerspiraling
    innerspiraling Posts: 20 Member
    I've done Ripped in 30, No More Trouble Zones, & Killer Buns & Thighs.

    Ripped in 30 seems to be a similar model to 30-day shred, from what I've heard. 4 different 30-minute workouts with an advanced version and a modified version in each. Nice progression across the 4 weeks of workouts in terms of difficulty. The structure is a 3 minutes of strength (two circuits of three different exercises, often combination upper and lower body strength moves), 2 minutes of cardio (two circuits of two 30-second cardio segments), 1 min of abs (one circuit of 2 30-second ab moves); with a 5-min warmup and cooldown. I've been doing it since May although not consistently, and I still really like it and have a ways to go before I can do the advanced consistently across all 4 workouts.

    No More Trouble Zones is longer, but you can select which circuits you do manually. In total, the full workout takes 55 minutes including warmup and cooldown. The circuits are slightly longer, and no cardio within the circuits, although my heart rate still gets elevated especially in the circuits that have less or no mat work. I like to include this one in my weekend workouts when I have more time.

    Killer Buns & Thighs I have done only once, but found it less satisfying. I liked some of the lower body moves, but prefer her combination moves that work upper and lower body at the same time. it was longer (40 minutes maybe), but I didn't feel like my heart rate got as elevated as Ripped in 30, and I felt like the lower body component was not more challenging than the more challenging Ripped or NMTZ moves. I might try this one again, but I feel after one go that I wouldn't spend the money on it if I had to do it again.

    It sounds from what others have said that going from 30DS to Ripped is good because the style/structure is similar but Ripped is somewhat harder. Can't say from experience because I started with Ripped.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I alternate between 30DS and 6 week 6 pack! Im thinking ripped in 30 after those! But im taking my time with them, since they r both very hard for me and i loose my breath doing em, so until they become easy or i become bored they will be in my life!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    awesome thanks for all that info. i am definitely getting ripped in 30 next!
  • Ashraz
    Ashraz Posts: 28 Member
    Ripped in 30 ,Banish fat boost metabolism and 30 day shred all 3 combo .So far i am doing 30 day shred in the morning and ripped in 30 in evening .Loving it both .
  • pkksmama
    pkksmama Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone for your help. Looks like I will be moving on to ripped in 30!! Thanks again so much!