2 1/2 weeks to go!!

I started my journey on Jan1 with eating right i added exercise in on Jan 3 since then i am down 7.4 pounds i am hoping when i weigh in tomorrow it will be another 1.5 pounds (judging from getting on the scale this morning, cause i really over ate yesterday with no chance to workout all weekend, i am down from 147 to 145.5!) so i am hoping with being able to burn 1200-1300 calories today in my spinning fusion class and working tonight i will be able to loose my 1.5 to 2 pounds this week.

My husband and i found out we are going on a cruise on Dec 28 offical on Jan 2 hence the weight loss my goal was 20 pounds a week for 10 weeks cause that is when we leave for the cruise...I am not going to hit my goal weight by the cruise and that is ok i feel prettier, skinner, and sexier than i have in almost 4 years!! If my weigh in goes as planned tomorrow i will be at my pre babies weight ( i have two little boys who are 10 months apart, yes we had back to back babies when our first son was 8 weeks old i found i was pregnant again and 3 weeks along, #1 was 5 weeks old when we got pregnant again lol) so i never had the chance to loose the baby weight even tho i only gained 20 and 25 pounds with both of them i still never got rid of the extra baby weight. At my heaviest i weighed almost 170 over the past year i have been able to off and on bring that down to 155 and starting at the 1st of the year bring it down even more.

My goal weight is 130-135 which is my pre-husband weight lol. I am a little bummed that i will not be able to loose my 20 pounds before the we leave but i will and am happy with any weight loss and one that is atleast half of what i was working towards!!! And since we are going with his coworkers i won't feel bad aobut being seen in a bikini in front of them i look good, i feel good!!! I have lost a few inches and along with my weight loss i which the inches lost were more than the weight loss lol can't win for loosing can we? lol it will come off eventually i hope!!!


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    how tall are you? i started my journey on nov 19th on mfp, but started my weigh loss on oct 22, i have only lost 8 lbs as of today... i was on 1200 cals a day and eating back my exercise calories. my 1st goal was to loose 10lbs in 2 months for our 1st trip, didn't happen.... i only was down 5. then my second goal was march 20th for trip number 2, i would have 15 lbs off. well now i only have 4 weeks to the day to go and only down 8lbs total since oct ! :( so i doubt i will be hitting my goal again! i upped my calories 2 weeks ago to see if that will help..... i wish you luck to loose as much as you can by the time you go and keep at it when you get back till you hit your goal!
  • Bsnell10
    I am 5' 6". I stalled a few weeks ago for 2 weeks because of TOM and last week i lost half a pound which at my current weight of 147 i am told that is normal. I weighed this morning just to see how hard i had to work to day (because i over ate a lot of crap) before i offically weigh in and change my weight tomorrow and i was down to 145.6 so i am happy with that...I did a spinning fusion class to day and in 100mins i burned 1423 according to my HRM so i am happy with that!!! Oh i will keep at it i have already checked out the gym with a virtual tour so i will be able to get my cardio in, and we are planning on doing some of the hiking advertures, can't wait for the Mayan ruins!! Thanks for the support!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    what resort are you going to? i stalled for the entire month of jan, i didn't loose a pound! Last week i finally dropped 1 lbs and i think it has to do with the increase to my calories... we are off to mexico in march and we are going with my inlaws and they think i am crazy that i will hitting the gym while there... but i have to, i'm trying to make a life style change here, so if i can get in at least 3-4 days of cardio i'll be happy. something is going to have to burn off those extra slushy drinks i will be consuming,lol...
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