If you eat clean, your cravings go away

I don't know if this is scientific or not, but it's just my experience. Before I started this diet, I ate so much junk. I had cravings constantly for sweets, salty food, processed crap. But since I started eating clean a month ago, my cravings have all but gone away. I have a theory for why this happened.

I am thinking that the reason we crave junk is because our body is not getting what it needs, so it craves that we put something in it. The body can't tell us what it needs, all it can do is give us cravings and hope that we will make the right choices of food. So we crave. We think that we crave sweets, and maybe we do sort of, but really, we are craving nutrition in our bodies. Once we give ourselves the nutrition we need, our bodies relax. They don't crave anymore because they are getting what they need.

Is this a dumb theory? Because I swear, my cravings are gone. Just gone.


  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    TOPIC: If you eat clean, your cravings for junk food go away. :laugh:
    I'm still craving on healthy food once in a while :laugh:

    To simply put, I think you are right in a way - we are no longer interested in that. I can testify, I'm no longer drinking sodas, or kilotons of chips. But the craving itself still exists, and thank god it does. We just like enjoying eating more something we like :-)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yes, clean eating makes the cravings go away. Some people's cravings die off faster than others.

    It is a matter of retraining your taste buds to want the foods you are now feeding it, instead of the processed carbage.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    I believe this too, I don't even look twice at the junk food at the store anymore, sometimes I crave something sweet, and I will go for yogurt or something like that, but I dont crave cookies and chips anymore. any food that I crave, I will make a healthier recipe of it at home, and it usually tastes better to me. :wink:
  • Yeah, I find that the better I eat the less likely I am to crave junk food...but I still overeat "healthy" food sometimes. For example, I can eat a whole plate of sweet potato fries ...and I crave them all the time :)
  • Yeah, I find that the better I eat the less likely I am to crave junk food...but I still overeat "healthy" food sometimes. For example, I can eat a whole plate of sweet potato fries ...and I crave them all the time :)

    Mmmm those sound good!
  • sashalarue
    sashalarue Posts: 40 Member
    Ding Ding Ding...we have a winner!!! You hit the nail right on the head. I feel the same way when i eat clean i don't crave...as soon as i put a snicker in my mouth there goes the cravings again.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    How long did it take for you to stop craving junk food?
  • rawardle
    rawardle Posts: 5 Member
    I could not agree more. I have been eating really clean the past 2 months and I don't crave junk food at all. I haven't eaten fast food in almost 2 years and have been completely off of sugar since the New Year. I feel better than ever. :)
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    You're right, eating better does make your cravings go away, to an extent though, I still crave "unhealthy" food from time to time, but just eat it in moderation so I don't go insane. But that being said, I hit my goal weight and am not trying to lose anymore.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Eating clean increased my cravings.

    Eating "dirty" settled my cravings.

    My Lesson learned: Deprivation sucks. Why force myself into a eating plan to lose weight when I lose just fine with the foods I enjoy, both clean AND dirty.
  • If you read Potatoes Not Prozac you will find that there is scientific evidence for what you've experienced.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    This is true. They really do!
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    I look at it sort of like a scale. One end is super salty, one is super sweet. We eat something salty, and the body craves something sweet to balance it out, but it never really does and we are constantly craving something to fix the extreme of our food choice. Eating clean evens out the playing field and our body is satisfied. :happy:
  • Just2Jean
    Just2Jean Posts: 12 Member
    I believe that it IS true for the most part. In case any of you have not heard of it..the Book "SKINNY *****" is great. (yes the title may either deter you or entice you)...It is in your face advice/information...It also talks about how bad foods effect your body, including cravings (the least of the damage).... It hits on everything that is both bad and good for your body and in '*****y' terms lets you know :-)
    We all know that certain foods and drinks are bad for us...this book tells you simply and 'in your face' WHY they are bad for you!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    How long did it take for you to stop craving junk food?

    It took me about a week to stop craving junk food. Although, everyone once in a while I feel like eating something that would give me a heart attack or a little bit of dessert.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    clean eating, such a great concept, lol. If I had time to learn how to cook I could possibly pull this off, I think I like my junk and carbs in moderation too much though. glad it works for you
  • GraceIsHealthy
    GraceIsHealthy Posts: 1 Member
    I agree, I stopped eating anything with sugar three weeks ago and I don't crave them, I'm very AFRAID to try anything sweet or even white bread, it's so difficult for me to stop.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I think so, I also think a big part of it is, by 'eating clean'...hopefully youre shopping clean, therefor don't have terrible foods in your house. So it all goes hand-in-hand.

    You can't eat it if you don't have it.

    After about a month of not eating crap, its pretty easy to not eat crap.
  • shastapina
    shastapina Posts: 4 Member
    AMEN, AMEN, AMEN............................this is so true. Please watch the movie Forks over Knives
  • SkinnyShadow
    SkinnyShadow Posts: 106 Member
    I've decided that I'm eating "dusty" lol - the "clean" was just too restricting for me... maybe I'll get there eventually, but for right now, this is working :) I completely agree though; now I'm craving broccoli and healthy foods. I still have a want for burgers when I see the ads on TV etc, but they're so mild now it's awesome. I KNOW though, that if I give in and say.. eat a slice of pizza, it's all over for me - sad but true. lol