Eggplant-Don't know what to do with it!!!



  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    All google-able suggestions:

    Eggplant Parm

    Eggplant Lasagna

    Roasted Eggplant

    Mediterranean Eggplant Steaks
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
    Marking for ideas. The last time I had eggplant, we made eggplant enchiladas. They were very good. It was based on this recipe
  • sarahmargaret12
    put egg whites or milk into a bowl.. dip the eggplant in and then in some bread crumbs.. and fry! You can use anything you want not just bread crumbs!
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I threw eggplant in a pan with some Olive oil, zucchini, and onions and made and omelet with it..
  • heidikat72
    heidikat72 Posts: 42 Member
    simply roast or grill it. try a ratatouille - there are a lot of simple ones out there - eggplant, zuchini, tomato. or try making baba ghanoush and using as a dip for pita chips or raw veggies
  • THINtense
    We had eggplant for dinner last night! Cut into thin slices, added tomato/garlic/basil/balsamic mix, and topped with a little mozzarella and baked. Super good! Like little Italian eggplant sliders!
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    baba ganoush - eggplant dip similar to humous is great as well as just grilled or broiled.
  • Bevbl3
    Bevbl3 Posts: 39 Member
    Imam Bayildi

    Google the recipe - it's lovely! x
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    You can also go to then search on eggplant. I had a similar dilemma. I had one small eggplant leftover after making an artichoke and eggplant lasagna. I found a number of eggplant sidedishes. It looks like you have some good suggestions here too
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    slice it, salt it and press between dry dish cloths or paper towels for 10 minutes layer it in a pan with garlic, plum tomatoes & a little cheese & bake for 30 minutes. yummy
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    I just made a really great dish yesterday with baby eggplant: eggplant, asparagus, onion, red pepper, mushroom, oregano, parsley, and lean (not too salty) chicken sausage sauteed together in olive oil and tossed together with whole wheat pasta. DE-LISH! Just be careful of how much pasta you eat. I ate a half cup.
  • aamon17
    aamon17 Posts: 54 Member
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member

    Just by the way - I never salt my eggplant before - and it is not bitter......It is my understanding that that comes from a time when eggplant in the raw state was much more bitter - the newer varieties seems to have had that bred out of them.....

    Also they SOAK up oil like nothing, so use a spray to lightly spray them before putting on the BBQ - or grilling in the oven....
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    ughhh I hate eggplant. I'd throw it out but since you're going to give it a shot I wish you the best of luck. :)
  • cristina_marie
    Slice thin pieces and bake with a spoonful of pasta sauce and little bit of low fat shredded Mozzarella cheese! YUM! Or just cut it up and sautee with other veggies like red peppers, zucchini, and yellow squash in extra virgin olive oil!
  • tenessaa
    tenessaa Posts: 105 Member
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    So many yummy ideas! And thanks for reminding me about the eggplant I bought last week, almost forgot about it.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Slice it in circles. Spread in a single layer on cookie sheet and bake until soft. (You can choose to brush each side of the slices with EVOO before baking, if you want, or you can save the calories.)

    Let the roasted eggplant cool and cube it.

    It freezes well at this point.

    We love to put it in red sauce--usually with fresh mushrooms--for spaghetti. Also good layered in ratatouilli and other casseroles. But using it in spaghetti sauce is our favorite.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    I saw on YouTube recently a way to 'grill' them without a lot of oil. Put the slices of eggplant in a non stick pan with a little water. Cover and let them steam for a couple of minutes, uncover then let the water mostly steam away. They will have partially cooked at this point and will lose their sponginess and their tendency to absorb oil. Paint them with a tiny bit of oil, then allow them to brown on both sides. Still has the grilled effect and taste with way less oil :)

    here is the link

  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    slice, paint with olive oil (lightly), sprinkle with italian seasoning, top with parmesan, bake or grill.