Water: Does it really matter?

Does it matter if spread it out? I drink most/all of my water during the day when I'm at work. Then not much after that- maybe a glass with dinner or if I work out that evening. Like, today, I've drank almost 9 glasses of water so far and it's 1:00. I tend to taper off as the day goes on until I leave work. As long as I get my water in, does it really matter when I drink it?


  • Osulindsay21
    Osulindsay21 Posts: 48 Member


  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Nope the timing is not relevant at all - nor the number of glasses.
    The only exception i'd state is having a sufficient water intake around your trainnings - to prevent dehydration.
    Otherwise, just drink when you feel thirsty, no more - no less. The only advantage by forcing yourself to drink much is to go to the toilets more often ;)
    They are days I drink around 2-3 cups, sometimes maybe half a bottle :)
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    It shouldn't matter all that much. I mean, think about it, your body goes without water for 8 hours anyway while you sleep. So a couple hours here or there doesn't make much difference.