What was your rock bottom?



  • A horrific photo from when I was to my friend's aunt's wedding. I literally cringed and went to bed embarrassed STILL hours later because I thought I looked decent, but oh. my. word. It wasn't the case. It wouldn't have been too bad, but it was professional photography so I couldn't even ask for anyone to take the picture down.

    But whatever, bad realizations have made good changes for me so, upsides everywhere. :)
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    I use a wheelchair. One day I thought I had a flat tire because the wheel wasn't turning real well. Turns out the wheel was fine, I just had a fat *kitten* that was rubbing against the wheel and preventing it from turning.
  • Walking up to the guy that you like the most and having him call you his chubby little sister. Umm I would prefer the friend category, because at least then I know I can help him change his mind. But putting me in the little sister/family category almost broke my heart. Plus no one wants to be the chubby little sister, pretend or otherwise.
  • When the scale tipped over to 90kilos.
  • July 2008. My neighbor scrapbooks. We had a camping trip out on a lake with the jet skis. Mine didn't sit in he water like everyone elses if you get my point. Then she showed me pages from that weekend. I thought I was finally okay with being over weight. Then the picture in the middle of her page was me in shorts and a tank top. Manning the BBQ. Where else would I be? Novemeber 2008 I got a lap band. Down 100 pound, but have gained a bit back. I still have a little under 50 to go. It's been hard. I gain and lose the same 10-15 pounds over and over again. This past year has not been great in the weightloss. This is a new year for me.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    When all my pants started getting to tight and finding out my super tall skinny boyfriend only weighed 10 pounds more than me. Oh and someone asking it I was pregnant. I went home and cried that day.
  • Larissa26
    Larissa26 Posts: 12 Member
    I really dont know. ive known for sometimes i needed to do something. But it had gotten to the point of being so out of breath, and finally i ralized I dont go anywhere anymore. I used to eat lunch with my daughter @ school, go to all of her activities at school. I was always on teh go. I dont anymore, its just not worth it anymore. I want to live!!!!
  • kbogati
    kbogati Posts: 39 Member
    When my son (age 8) asked if I had a baby in my tummy :sad:
    ...for the record, I did not!!

    my 4 yr old asked me why I had a "jiggle jiggle belly"
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I really dont know. ive known for sometimes i needed to do something. But it had gotten to the point of being so out of breath, and finally i ralized I dont go anywhere anymore. I used to eat lunch with my daughter @ school, go to all of her activities at school. I was always on teh go. I dont anymore, its just not worth it anymore. I want to live!!!!

    It takes awhile to actually do something about it. I can guarantee it took all of us awhile to actually do something. I know the feeling of not wanting to go anywhere because that is just what happens while going through this sh*tty feeling. It feels so good to want to go back out! Good luck!
  • We'd been trying for 6 years to conceive and flat out my GYN told me that she wouldn't prescribe treatment for getting pregnant unless I lost 100 lbs. just 89 more to go!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    you look great, now!

    Thank you. People also treat me better now. Amazing how that works lol
  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    you look great, now!

    Thank you. People also treat me better now. Amazing how that works lol

    haha yeah I know what you mean. Funny how when you become smaller people are nicer, eh?
  • purplemilly12
    purplemilly12 Posts: 31 Member
    when i looked at a picture from when i was in highschool with my friends and two years later i took a picture with the same friends and everyone had stayed at the same weight or lost some weight but i had gained so much weight i looked like i was pregnant.:embarassed:
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Emotional eating while in a relationship. So every single picture taken with my ex is when I was at my height weight. So I won't ever do that again in the future.
  • anneouel
    anneouel Posts: 68 Member
    When I did a fundraiser for cancer in May 2011 and raised money to shave my hair (poor hair but it was a good cause) I was the heaviest I had ever been (261lbs) and had 2 chins, no hair and hardly fit into my work shirts anymore. People would stare and gawk at me, wondering If i had a brittney spears meltdown cause i was fat and shaved my hair off, pretty much did it.
    I saw a pic of me a friend took on an outing we did and I decided I didnt want to keep thinking "oh at least im not suchandsuch weight" and then reach that weight and say it over again with a higher weight.
    Im glad my sister showed me this site it keeps me motivated and while I still have anxiety some times about the journey, at least im not giving up.
    Theres no trying..trying implys room for failure, Im going to do it!
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    seeing a photo of me, high on heavy steroids and very round. I was like a ball, a squidgy face and huge.
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    I just got up and did it one day... I fell of the wagon a few months ago and while at my families Christmas celebration on Dec 24... I was accused of being secretly pregnant. They noticed I was looking a little fuller. My family thought I was waiting for the holiday to tell everyone the news. I was not pregnant and the next day was back to running and on MFP. No mistaken me for being preggers now!
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    When I weighed as much as the day I went in to deliver my 8 year old. Seeing 242 on the scale was just too much. I have lost weight before, but never enough and now at my highest ever it is time to make a change...down 15 many more to go.
  • rock bottom for me was losing all my baby weight and gaining it back.. and having to buy fat pants again.
  • Brieve29
    Brieve29 Posts: 14 Member
    Seeing a picture from my friend's wedding. It was caught when I wasn't really paying attention so no sucking in or anything of that nature, just me and my fat. I had been telling myself I was just a little overweight and that my pants were tight when I bought them. But those pictures couldn't lie and they definitely helped me realize the course I was on.