Couch-to-5k App/Program. Any thoughts?

Hello everyone!

I just downloaded the Couch-to-5k program for the iPhone! Has anyone heard anything about it? Had any success?


  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    i did the couch-to-5k a while back and i really liked it. the intervals of running and walking help to ease you into a running program, which is great if you haven't run in a while (or ever).

    i recently downloaded micoach which is made by the adidas folks (free on android, not sure about iphone) - i love Love LOVE this app. they have a variety of training programs available, so it's very usable for everyone from the newbie runner to the veteran marathoner. i used it to train for an event last month and am currently training for another one next month. the app is linked to a website: so to set up your training you actually need to log into here to pick what you are going to do.

    in my 2x training program experience, the app starts you with a 12-minute assessment run to determine where you are in terms of pacing. from there it creates a program that helps to keep you within your "zones." the program it lays out includes how many days per week you are running and coaching support while you are out there (gps based) telling you to speed up or slow down. you can also take it into the gym & just adjust the treadmill speed accordingly.

    surprisingly (to me anyway - grew up with asthma, never been a "strong" runner), my zones improved (got faster) between my previous training session and my current one! micoach is (imho) the best running program out there (and i have installed, tried, and uninstalled quite a few).

    good luck!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I haven't tried the app but I am currently using the podcasts-i love them!
  • cfrollins
    cfrollins Posts: 21 Member
    I may have to try miccoach coach whenever I finish! Thank you!

    I have a question for you about the couch to 5k, did you find the pace at which they increase the time spent jogging to be effective? Also, did you actually do it 3 times a week, or more?
  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    running vs. walking intervals: as someone who grew up with asthma, the intervals really helped me to train my lungs (and my brain) to believe that i could actually run without falling down dead. without a doubt, i looked forward to those walk breaks more than anything early on - staring at my watch, willing the seconds to pass faster (i did this several years ago, so it was the podcast version).

    i don't remember the exact schedule that i did, but i would suspect (knowing me) that i did it as infrequently as i could because i really hated running at the time. the music on the podcast was not enough of a distraction so my brain would be focused on how much i hated running and how much this all sucked and other negative things (not good).

    over the years i've learned a few key things about running:
    1) it's as much a mindgame as it is physical ability - so you absolutely HAVE TO believe that you can do this!

    2) mantras help. mine change up as necessary depending on my mindset - "i have endurance, i have stamina, i am a runner" (the last bit is the hardest to believe for me, but with 5 half marathons under my belt, i guess it's kind of true); "i think i can, i think i can, i think i can" (little engine that could, for hills... just like the story).

    3) track your progress - for me the change was slow, but having everything written down somewhere be it in a little notebook or on a website really helps to see the progress that you have made and gives you (me anyway) that little extra boost of encouragement necessary to continue.

    4) race "bling" - a lot of events pass out medals at the end ... i have an ever growing collection that i keep on display. it's a constant reminder to me of what i have accomplished.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I started it for the first time in mid-March of last year. At that time, I weighed 227 lbs and never in my whole life had I been able to run more than 1/4 mile at a time (even as a 150 lb teenager). I can now run 5k in under 30 minutes and am training for a half-marathon next month. A few days ago, I ran 9 miles straight, which I would never have thought myself capable of doing. So I'd say yes, it works. I did it 3 times a week as recommended. If I felt like I needed to repeat a week, I did.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just downloaded the Couch-to-5k program for the iPhone! Has anyone heard anything about it? Had any success?

    Its great!! You'll me running 5k in no time!!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    i recently downloaded micoach which is made by the adidas folks (free on android, not sure about iphone) - i love Love LOVE this app. they have a variety of training programs available, so it's very usable for everyone from the newbie runner to the veteran marathoner. i used it to train for an event last month and am currently training for another one next month. the app is linked to a website: so to set up your training you actually need to log into here to pick what you are going to do.
    Thanks for this- I am downloading this app as I type!

    I'm currently doing W7 of c25k and the podcasts really do help. The structured way they take you from running for 60 seconds at a time to running for 30 minutes is brilliant. I never thought I'd be a runner, but I did 5k in under 31 mins yesterday and I'm still 2 weeks from the end of the program! Do it. You won't regret it.
  • foodgroupie
    Hi there!

    I am currently working my way through the C25K app and I absolutely love it! I did week 6 day 2 yesterday, which is the first 20min run... I have been putting this run off for a week because I have been so scared to give it a go! (I didnt believe I could do it) but I did!! :)

    I'll be honest it was definiately more of a jog than a run but to think back to week 3 where a 3minute run terrified me to the core - to now be running 20 minutes?!

    I would definitely recommend this app, it has done great things for me, and it is so gradual (yet still hard at times!) that it is possible to turn you into a runner! My first 5.2km Charity race will be on the 1st April 2012! Fingers crossed :)

    Goodluck with the C25K app - I am sure you will love it!

    L x
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Hey foodgroupie, my first 5k is on 1st April as well!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Just ran my first mile ever in my lifetime thanks to C25k. It's incredible. I also use the app and find it fantastic.
  • motoxmom1
    It works like a charm! My husband was a huge doubter even after he saw me do it. He decided to give it a go and guess what? It worked for him too! I went from C25k to competing in Sprint Triathlons in 6 months!
  • PClivingood
    PClivingood Posts: 6 Member
    I really like the Couch 2 5k program. I am about to finish the 7th week. The description of the program can be found here:

    As for phone apps, I found I far preferred RunKeeper over the C25k App. The only downside is it took a few minutes to program in the coaching. I see RunKeeper as much more helpful over the long-haul, however.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I may have to try miccoach coach whenever I finish! Thank you!

    I have a question for you about the couch to 5k, did you find the pace at which they increase the time spent jogging to be effective? Also, did you actually do it 3 times a week, or more?
    Do not run more often than 3 times per week. In fact, don't even do high impact activities on the days between. Your body needs time to recover from running, especially when you first start out, or you'll end up with an injury.

    ETA: There is a C25K group here in the forums. Check it out. :smile:
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I only do the three times a week, you need the "inbetween" periods to rest. Running is very strenuous especially if you're very overweight like me ):
    Follow the instructions perfectly, you WILL get results.
    I have just finished week 4 day 2 and I can DO it, (3.6k in 35 min) from being able to not even run a 1 minute interval at the start.
    I cannot recommend this program enough... I also use it on iOS (ipod touch not iphone) and I love it!
  • incendia3
    incendia3 Posts: 57 Member
    C25K is amazing. I have never been able to run any kind of distance in my life...and I was an athlete. I used the app a year ago and am now running an average of 30 miles a week. It's worth the follow through. Good luck!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I love it! Wasn't a runner before, okay I actually hated running but started the app and now I can say I'm a runner.
  • beach_chelle
    I am currently starting week four tomorrow (ekk! how will i run for 6 straight minutes?) I love it, it really is great. I use it on the iPhone and also run treadmill due to the coldness and asthma not mixing. But I also have the GPS add on and I have used that feature and look forward to using it again in warmer weather.

    suggestions are drink plenty of water, do dynamic streaching before starting (may have to google if you don't know what it is) i especially recommend this with the arms and shoulders and do plenty of streaching after. drink more water and make sure you get lots of lean protien on the days you run. really follow the instructions about doing it every other day and don't be afraid to repeat weeks if need be. have a fresh, good pair of running shoes.

    but most of all, get out there and enjoy it. you'll never look back :) at least i hope!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    i did the couch-to-5k a while back and i really liked it. the intervals of running and walking help to ease you into a running program, which is great if you haven't run in a while (or ever).

    i recently downloaded micoach which is made by the adidas folks (free on android, not sure about iphone) - i love Love LOVE this app. they have a variety of training programs available, so it's very usable for everyone from the newbie runner to the veteran marathoner. i used it to train for an event last month and am currently training for another one next month. the app is linked to a website: so to set up your training you actually need to log into here to pick what you are going to do.

    in my 2x training program experience, the app starts you with a 12-minute assessment run to determine where you are in terms of pacing. from there it creates a program that helps to keep you within your "zones." the program it lays out includes how many days per week you are running and coaching support while you are out there (gps based) telling you to speed up or slow down. you can also take it into the gym & just adjust the treadmill speed accordingly.

    surprisingly (to me anyway - grew up with asthma, never been a "strong" runner), my zones improved (got faster) between my previous training session and my current one! micoach is (imho) the best running program out there (and i have installed, tried, and uninstalled quite a few).

    good luck!

    This sounds like a great app, thanks for the info!
  • PediDocChicago
    PediDocChicago Posts: 26 Member
    I LOVED this app! I always thought I was incapable of running, but not so! This one starts off so easy anyone can do it, and ramps up to running in no time. Plus starting off slowly reduces the chance of injuries. Try it, it was great. I'm now working on "EI10k" which is the extender version.
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    Hi. I haven't tried it myself but I have a lot of friends who did and love it. I currently use Nike+app on my iPhone which has a 5k program in it but it's not for walkers unfortunately.