How do you stay motivated?....

...When you weigh yourself, expecting results, even if they are the tiniest, but then you see.... +1.4 lbs! Doesn't feel the greatest.
Especially when you're seeing everyone around you (even my friends on facebook/real life) losing weight. And most of the time, I see girls just eating and drinking whatever the eff they want, and i stare at them and think- "How the hell can you do that and not gain a pound!?!" I just thought I was doing good. But then again, that moment of weakness i had last night probably didn't help either. Maybe I'm not putting enough time in at the gym. Maybe I'm not controlling what I eat enough. I thought the whole "everything in moderation" thing would be okay, but maybe it's not. I mean, I don't eat too many sweets or anything. I don't drink pop at all. I drink water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee, and thats it. I usually eat morningstar farm burgers or chicken patties without a bun (just because of the fear of extra calories), and then I measure out whatever vegetable or carb we're having.
But that's when I can afford the food! Being paid minimum wage and having to pay bills makes it so that buying food comes last. And then if I do have money for food, I'll buy what I need, and then after that I have to rely on my mom or sister to buy stuff, and they buy all junk food, no matter how much I beg them not to. But the thing is, is I know I can lose this weight. I was doing it before. But I had to stop for family issues, and now I don't even know how to get back in the swing of things. Or maybe I'm just making excuses (even though they seem like real problems to me... o_o)
So how do you stay motivated? What is your routine at the gym? Or...What's your routine in general? I would love suggestions!