Hello from a hippie mama in Florida :)

Hi all :) I'm a young crunchy mama in central Florida. I have a 2 year old daughter. I eat an organic diet and will always choose calories over chemicals. I'm 5'4 and 155lbs, and aiming for around 125-130. I don't feel huge (I only wear a medium after all), but my fiance is a very lean man and I currently weigh more than him. Which, is weird. Ha. I've figured out my issue is actually eating too few calories in a day. I'm just so preoccupied with my daughter and homeschooling, I don't think to eat. And over time, this pattern has slowed down my metabolism and I don't feel hungry. So my goal is to eat more and more often! When I signed up for this site at about noon today, I realized I had only consumed 94 calories, and thats including morning coffee w/ creamer! I've been trying hard to make myself eat today and now at 5.30, I've managed 600 calories (my goal according to this site is 1480!). But now I have heartburn from eating more than I'm used to.Le sigh. Anyway, I'm rambling. Hi, bye, and all that stuff. <3