Beta Alanine

Anyone ever used this before?


  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Actually just started 2 days ago. So can't really give u an update yet.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Every workout. One of the few supplements with scientific backup. Definitely assists with endurance.
  • kh2821
    kh2821 Posts: 4
    About to enter a two month cutting cycle and was wondering whether or not to go on a pre-workout such as noxipro with beta-alanine in it for endurance purposes so I can go longer on cardio after working out or a fat burner such as oxi-elite pro or animal cuts

    current stack now-multi-vitamin, humapro, amino energy, L-Arginine

    Diet is as follows going low carb high protein, 40 grams of fat per day 135 grams carbs, diet any advice is appreciated as well
    5' 8'' 170 now looking to get to 160, pretty shredded upper body but still have stomach fat in lower abs that I am trying to get rid of.

    Average day dieting and workout stack is listed below, any advice or critique would be greatly appreciated it.

    Tuesday-back/30 mins cardio
    Wednesday-Shoulders/30 mins cardio
    Thursday-Bis/Tris/30 mins cardio
    Saturday-45 mins cardio
    Sunday-Plyometrics or 45 mins cardio

    Average food intake
    8 am-6 egg whites, 1 banana, coffee with french vanilla
    1 pm-turkey, string cheese 2 slice whole wheat bread, franks hot sauce
    5 45 pm-7 humapro preworkout, amino energy l-arginine
    7 humpro post workout
    8:30 10 oz grilled chicken with lettuce, oil and vinegar as dressing
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I used it until I got sick last week. Only issue I had with it was it made me itch when I took just the B-Alanine alone. When I take it in NO Shotgun never itched.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I used it until I got sick last week. Only issue I had with it was it made me itch when I took just the B-Alanine alone. When I take it in NO Shotgun never itched.

    As the above posters noted, it's one of the few supplements with some solid scientific backing.

    The itching is common, it probably didn't make you itch in the past because the dosing was different.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I hope so. Which it didn't bother me, just found it odd. I'm hoping to get back to working out this week and get back to cutting weight and pumping hard again. I want to go at least 4 weeks on it uninterrupted.
  • Cueball55
    Cueball55 Posts: 152 Member
    personally i do 1600mg pre and post.. what are your guys' dosages and timing?

    EDIT: amount calculation error
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    On days I lift I do a scoop of NO Shotgun pre-work out, a scoop of Beta Alanine that's 3.2 grams post workout along with two creatine tablets and a protein shake.

    On days where I work soley on my running, I do a scoop of 3.2 B-Alanine pre-run and two creatine tablets after the run. I could be dosing wrong on my running days.