Wanting to start the 30 day shred but...

OK. So I bought the JM 30 day shred video today and some new hand weights. I want to start this, asap, but I'm suddenly feeling selfconcious about doing this in the living room of my home where people come in and out, but it's the only room with enough space for it. I'm also currently doing the Ease into 5K program. I'm on week 3 and can feel my endurance increasing. Would it be too much to add in the JM video every day? I feel like a need a little boost. Could use some encouragement!!:ohwell:


  • brigbug
    I replied to your other post....I would not add every day. Maybe every other day or even shoot for 3 times a week. I can't do it every day and run the miles I put in. I do it maybe once or twice a week if I don't have some other cross training available. You may know why after you start. You will be using muscles much different than the C25K uses. And you will be sore. But that's a good thing!

    Try day one and then see how you feel. It's all how it feels to you. Just some advice from a 30 day shredder! :)