March for Babies....Walking 3.3 miles

Hi everyone,

I am walking for the March of Dimes (March for Babies) on Saturday, April 25th. I am so excited!!! I think this is a great motivator for me. :smile:


  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    Hi everyone,

    I am walking for the March of Dimes (March for Babies) on Saturday, April 25th. I am so excited!!! I think this is a great motivator for me. :smile:
  • erlehmkuhle
    I love mixing charity with fitness. What a great cause and have a great time, put an extra smile on for me!!!
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    Yeah, it's a great feeling knowing that you are doing something for a good cause and staying in shape at the same time. Thanks for the extra boost and I will put on an extra smile for you!!!!! :smile: :smile: