I think I have lost my MOJO!!!!

ok...so I started this journey in january of 2011 weighing in at 183........
with a weight loss goal of reaching 130 pounds....currently at 135
was at 130 but when Thanksgiving rolled around....well since
thanksgiving I have put on 5 lbs....ugh
I have had many plateaus and lots of great success....
I do a variety of workouts, I only make it to the gym about 3 times
a week the rest I have to do at home.
I have done....
Leslie Sansones walk at home dvds
Jillian Michaels 30ds had great results from this but am bored with it now
Bob Harpers totally ripped core(only a couple times as it kicks my butt)
I am finding it hard to get back to losing the
weight I want so badly to get to 125 lbs.....
Please if anyone has any suggestions I am open to hear them all...

since I started mfp i have been on a 1200 calorie intake per
day and kept it at that for a year....i just recently went in and changed it
to let mft figure what i should have my caloric intake at and it is 1330....
I am so used to eating 1200 calories I am SCARED that the extra with make
me gain weight....
also I have a desk job where several days I work around 10 hours...so I have
my activity level set to low...
I have it set that i exercise 5 days a week for 45 minutes....

In the beginning I didn't have a problem with motivation or keeping myself
on the right track but now...well like I said ......I think I have lost my MOJO!!!
I don't want to go back and start all over.....it would be devistating

Doesn't help any that my husband told me the other day that I looked
like I was putting on some weight....ugh......
I want to get to 125 and have some awesome abs....
now anyone know how I can accomplish this....?????
Please help!!!!!!


  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    First of all, you have had amazing success!! Kudos to you girl:) I'm right there with you on losing my mojo too lol. In the beginning, it's really easy to stay motivating when the scale is moving and we are dropping weight fairly quick but when the weight loss slows down (which is normal but still frustrating), we have to figure out other ways to keep going. I've read the last few pounds should be more strength training and less cardio although I like to rotate them,,, cardio one day and strength the next .Pump up the strength training more if you aren't already. Increased strength training is what is going to give our body that defination we are looking for. I'm a cardio junkie but strength training is where it's at for sure.

    I recommend setting new goals with rewards. Write it down on paper and when you hit the goal, reward yourself. I like to make short and long term goals.....if we just work hard all time the time with no reward, we get burnt out. Also find something fun that you enjoy doing for exercise. Something I enjoy doing is crank up the tunes and just dance and throw some jogging in place in there too. I would like to lose 5 more pounds too and I will get there eventually lol. You can do this, hang in there:):)