Protein Mix Ideas

Ok... I am going to try this whole protein shake thing again... I have EAS Chocolate Soy Protein powder and I need ideas to mix it with. I HAAATE the taste and smell of protein powders so I need some GOOD recipes!!


  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    I don't like them so much either, but after about 2 weeks, I got used to it. The only thing I can find to mix it with that I like is 1% milk and strawberries. No other berries seem to be sweet enough. The vanilla with strawberries isn't so bad at all and I don't even mind it. If you like protein replacement bars better, that is an option, but they have less protein in them and more calories. You can always do what my husband did and go out and by a whole huge package of turkey jerky to snack on....can't get more protein and healthier than that, and low cal.