Green tea vs Water

Sorry if this has been done before - is drinking 4 cups of green tea plus 4 glasses of water a day ok? I'd love to hear other opinions on the best ratio of green tea : water for weight loss. Complete novice here. Thanks.


  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Yes that's fine just remember caffeine will take the water out of you so you need about 8 glasses if you have 6-7 of water with your tea that's fine and its also fine to drink extra with your tea. unless you are a huge fan of green tea you don't need to drink it like that for weight loss. The effects of green tea is EXTREMELY minimal at best for weight loss and you will receive those small benefits by just drinking a glass or 2. If you just enjoy the tea then by all means drink up.

    things that make a big difference for weight loss are
    high fiber
    lots of water
    lots of interval training cardio
    weight lifting !!!
    high intensity workouts and working in your heart rate zone....
    lean meats lots of veggies low carbs... and complex carbs **

    if you are looking for supplements to help with general health ...
    fish oil, b complex, multi, e,c,calcium

    There are green tea weight loss supplements out there but I am not sure if they work or not and typically they have crazy high amounts of caffeine so I would avoid those and just work on the stuff that stands the test of time =)

  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    The Caffeine being a diuretic myth needs to die. It's not true!

    "A review of 41 human studies found that caffeine intakes up to 400 mg daily (4 cups of coffee) don’t produce dehydration, even when exercising. “Your more frequent bathroom breaks after downing, say, a 64-ounce Big Gulp are due to the extra fluid, not caffeine,” says Steven Broglio, PhD, ATC."

    "Back in 1928, caffeine was shown to have no significant impact on urinary output. Subsequent studies have shown that caffeine-containing beverages did not impact urinary output any differently than other beverages. Based on this, the Institute of Medicine recommends that "unless additional evidence becomes available indicating cumulative total water deficits in individuals with habitual intakes of significant amounts of caffeine, caffeinated beverages appear to contribute to the daily total water intake similar to that contributed by noncaffeinated beverages.""

    Your post is so full of bro-science. I can't even continue.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    I was responding to her question about caffeine in large quantities, 4 or more cups a day, which Mayo clinic suggests can create a diuretic effect on the body. As I said before if you enjoy your green tea great, but if you are using that as a means for weight loss its prob not going to have a great deal of effect. Better to drink water, you avoid all the unnecessary caffeine, which causes many alternative issues in high quantities.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I would add that Aniwani claim regarding:

    “lots of interval training cardio
    weight lifting !!!
    high intensity workouts and working in your heart rate zone.... “

    is not entirely accurate.

    Please read this Time 2008 article:,9171,1914974,00.html
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I was responding to her question about caffeine in large quantities, 4 or more cups a day, which Mayo clinic suggests can create a diuretic effect on the body. As I said before if you enjoy your green tea great, but if you are using that as a means for weight loss its prob not going to have a great deal of effect. Better to drink water, you avoid all the unnecessary caffeine, which causes many alternative issues in high quantities.

    You realize green tea has a very low caffeine count. It's the second "weakest" tea there is with white tea being the weakest. Even if you drank the strongest, which is red tea, it's still less caffeine you can get from coffee. You would have to drink an insane amount of green tea, especially made from a tea bag (it's the worst form of tea), to even have it be a problem.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    In case you want some scientific articles to mull over.

    Green tea:
    Mice + decreased fat retention-;jsessionid=RWzMRdoiuasWvV1R7VGq.143
    Humans (note: "may play a role..." ) -
    Potential role in diabetes management -

    My 2 cents is that moderation is the key :smile:

    I do second the below comment though: tea has a very low caffeine count. It's the second "weakest" tea there is with white tea being the weakest. Even if you drank the strongest, which is red tea, it's still less caffeine you can get from coffee. You would have to drink an insane amount of green tea, especially made from a tea bag (it's the worst form of tea), to even have it be a problem.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Really were on a weight loss site and you are advising against exercise... ??
    I'm sorry but I was trying to be helpful... telling people exercise is not good for you or not a legitimate means of loosing weight is just unfathomable ... I suggest high intensity because I saw results almost immediately when I upped my workouts intensity. Weightlifting has helped significantly because muscle burns fat, and interval training factors into the intensity and helps burn fat.

    trying to legitimize not working out is just simply counter productive for the majority of the population if not all

    I would add that Aniwani claim regarding:

    “lots of interval training cardio
    weight lifting !!!
    high intensity workouts and working in your heart rate zone.... “

    is not entirely accurate.

    Please read this Time 2008 article:,9171,1914974,00.html
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Also to the initial post, I am sorry this feed got off course, if you find what I posted valuable then use it if not don't. I am not trying to get into a back and fourth with people on this site I am just letting you know what worked for me and my experience has told me if you are looking to loose weight from green tea and water its not going to do much only diet and exercise will help, any one who tells you differently simply is not advocating for your progress or success. I wish you much success on your weight loss journey!