Contraceptive pill (sorry men folk)



  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    i think your lack of scale weight loss is probably a natural result of the water weight/bloating and other effects of hormonal birth control. im sure it will stabilize. Since you've quit your pill entirely, i would expect you to lose some weight once it wears out of your system - I lost 15 lbs when i stopped ortho tri cyclen!

    i've had great results with depo provera, which as i recall is fine for someone needing progesterone only. anyways, it can also make some people gain weight, so it's always a risk to keep switching - but it can also be great.

    also, the nuva ring seems to have had great effects on everyone i know who takes it, including lighter periods and no apetite problems.

    sorry for the indecisive answer. birth control is tough... if you have the time to try several different forms of contraceptive, you should try a variety and choose the best one for you. unfortunately that can really give your system hormonal whiplash...
    How long was it for you to lose that 15lbs? Just curious because I just went off the pill and I was to once it was out of my system I would have an easier time losing the weight?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Hi! If you're not taking it for contraception and more for regulation reasons, you don't have to tell me your story. I'll tell you mine you can decide if it sounds like yours. My tubes are cut so I don't take it for contraception any more either. For years I have taken pills to control cramping and bleeding. My periods last 3 wks then 1 wk off and start all over again when I'm not on something. With the birth of my last child almost 3 yrs ago I had lost 50 lbs prior to getting prego, I immediately lost another 30 after her birth. Was put on seasonique lo to control my issues. I gained 25 lbs almost instantly despite still eating healthy, staying with in my calorie range and intense cardio and weight lifting, I was doing all this prior to and during pregnancy so I know these weren't related to my weight gain. A few months ago I decided I wanted to go off the pill and see if my body had "fixed itself". First off, I lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks and still losing those 25 lbs that I couldn't budge over the past 2.5 yrs, unfortunaltely tho my body isn't fixed. After seeing my ob/gyn I am having an Uterine Ablasion done tomorrow morning, as matter of fact lol, they go into your uterus and burn the inside of it causing it to collapse and scar over resulting in just 1 or 2 light period days/month. No pills needed. Though you do have be sure you're not going to have any more kids as it is permanent. Good luck getting back on the right track!
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    I have been on several different kinds of pills trying to get my periods regular and so they are not so heavy. I found out after 4 years from my doctor and the pharmacist I was currently working for that I am one of those people that cannot take generics. I was put on a low hormone to help reduce some of the tenderness in my chest all the time. A year after switching to the low hormone pill I went from 116lbs to 152lbs. I lost most of the weight in the past year I have 13 lbs until I am at my goal weight.

    I have recently went off of the pill; after fighting my weight for the last two years and looking into other options the hubby and I decided that we are ready to try to have children. Now that I have went off the pill I have been stuck too! I am wondering about all the women who have went off when and if they lose there weight immediately or after its out of your system. This has been driving me crazy! Help
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have been on several different kinds of pills trying to get my periods regular and so they are not so heavy. I found out after 4 years from my doctor and the pharmacist I was currently working for that I am one of those people that cannot take generics. I was put on a low hormone to help reduce some of the tenderness in my chest all the time. A year after switching to the low hormone pill I went from 116lbs to 152lbs. I lost most of the weight in the past year I have 13 lbs until I am at my goal weight.

    I have recently went off of the pill; after fighting my weight for the last two years and looking into other options the hubby and I decided that we are ready to try to have children. Now that I have went off the pill I have been stuck too! I am wondering about all the women who have went off when and if they lose there weight immediately or after its out of your system. This has been driving me crazy! Help

    Mine started coming off about 2 weeks after I stopped taking the pill and is still coming off. I was also on a low dose. Good luck!!
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member

    I have been struggling for a good few weeks now to have any significant weight loss - i keep going over the same 1lb (on and off...on and off...repeat for ever!)

    I have been on my journey of weight loss since Sept 2011 and sucessfully lost 26lb, slow and steady. Most weeks i would lose 1 or 2lb's - i never put weight on.

    I have not changed the way i am eating, i have incresed my exercise a little (nothing dramatic) and since the end of Jan 2012 i have been stuck ( i incereased my calories recently from 1200 to 1470 - on the back of information i had read on the forums, this made no difference either)!

    So last night i was looking at my record of weight loss and trying to think what had changed and it struck me that my doctor changed my contraceptive pill just after the new year.

    I was on a combined pill (oestrogen and progesterone) but my GP told me i would be better on a POP (progesterone only pill)

    I did ask at the time about the affect on my weight loss and she said that the POP pill could increase your appitite which could lead to increase in weight but if i kept that in check i would be fine. Well i was mindful of her advice and did not notice any change in appitite (which i tracked also on MFP) - i was not eating more, so i did not think about it anymore.

    So today i have decided to stop taking the POP pill altoghther (dont panic - i was taking it to control heavy periods not for contraception) So i think its a waiting game now.

    Questions that i need to concider; will my weight loss have improved the situation with heavy/irregular periods and will stopping taking the POP pill help with my weight loss

    just wondered if any of you have any thoughts or experience on this?

    It really depends on why the progesterone pill was preferable to the combined pill. If you have an overabundance of estrogen COMPARED to progesterone, you are at high risk for endometrial cancer. Adding progesterone balances this and reduces your risk. You can get a transdermal progesterone cream that will be as effective for your bleeding problems, and balance your hormone levels, but will neither provide any contraceptive effect nor the side-effects that might affect weight loss.