I am failing and I can't seem to stop

SO I have been trying for a long time to really buckle down and lose weight. Everytime I am serious and I try, it lasts about 2 weeks (where I see results and get happy!) and then I just stop for a few days and have to start up again. Starting is always the hardest part. I just feel so hopeless, like it will never happen. And I know its me- I know I have to be the one to be strict and determined, but food has such control over me....if I am eating right, I fear going out with my friends or being around my roommate when she eats dinner because of the anticipated agony I will go through watching people enjoy food. If I am cheating and eating badly, every bite of food is like sweet torture. I want to stop but I am enjoying it so much, I make up excuses to keep eating: Im young! I only live once!

I hate food. I hate it so much. I hate how I love it and how it ruins me.

I feel so hopeless, so lost. I look around at all my skinny friends, or people I knew in High School who have dropped so much weight and are beautiful. One of my friends lost 100 pounds and she is a new person! I want that to be me! But I can't seem to do it....I know people say just keep thinking about how good you will look....but it will never happen


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It is hard, no doubt. But it is so worth it. I think the key here is that you have to find a way to change your attitude toward food so that you don't feel deprived. Some people allow themselves to have a little bit of that stuff, while some have to stay away from it completely. Some allow a "cheat day" while some just eat much smaller portions more often. Do you think either of those strategies might work for you? Are you exercising? I find that when I am working out, it helps me two ways..... on the one hand, I don't want to slip too bad on the diet because now I'm working hard for it, but on the other hand, it "earns" me some extra calories so I can have a treat if I want to.

    Don't give up. Just keep working on finding a way to make it work for you!