
Hello everyone!

I'm new to this site and so far I'm loving it! Yesterday I tracked what I would normally eat and....WOW I can't beleive how many calories that was! So today I'm going to stick to the target. I'm hoping I won't be hungry. I'm not new to the eating healthy part of it, my problem is portion control.

My ultimate goal is to loose 40 lbs, mainly to be healthier and have more energy. Looking good is just an added bonus!

Nice to meet everyone...and have a wonderful day!



  • sabbzp

    Also new here. I am new to the eating healthy thing too.. obviously I wasn't a junk eater completely but I know I've been eating lots of total random food.

    My goal is to lose 10kg and get my diabetes and health in a better place. I too am hoping not to go hungry through lack of food intake. But I must try and stick to it.
  • mstaser
    mstaser Posts: 657 Member
    It is amazing how bad some of your normal food is. I love MFP and looking everything up. But it sucks when you find out the foods you thought you would be able to eat are really bad.

    Good luck
  • MoonGrrrl
    Nice to meet you guys! I'm new here too. I had an account a while back, but I just started using it again. Yeah, healthy is the way to go!! Nice to social with some like-minded folks!!