The baby weight needs to go!! :)

I will be honest... it is not ALL baby weight. I was heavy before I was pregnant. However, with now having to keep up with my little one and wanting to be at my best weight possible for her I have never felt it more important to start this journey. I know it is going to be long and hard... I have 81 pounds to lose!

I would love to have some people to support and who can support me! :) You are welcome to find my "Cherrychild33". Lets do this together!! :)



  • jjoseph329
    jjoseph329 Posts: 39 Member
    You have the same amount of weight I need to lose to, I am down 4 though
    My daughter is 6 months old and I still continued to eat as if I was pregnant after I had her.
  • bronagh20
    bronagh20 Posts: 30 Member
    my daughter is two and im only starting to do something about it now. im determined to do it this time. i have 20lbs at least to loose. need some motivation!
  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    Hello, I have to lose 100 lbs. I'm 302 now. So we probably should friend one another being that we have a little ways to go. I know I could use the support and all my old mfpals have abandoned me since I fell from weight loss grace. lol. I've checked in 5 days. I will begin some light exercising today.
  • bronagh20
    bronagh20 Posts: 30 Member
    why did they abandon u? thats crappy of them!!!
  • cdmeyer
    cdmeyer Posts: 27 Member
    I am right there with you. I have finally told my mother that my son is too old for my weight to still be considered baby weight. I don't know how long it takes normal people, but I have still never lost the baby weight from my 9 year old and now have additional baby weight from my 18 mo old. I have been on mfp for a while now, but usually only use it for tracking my food. I didn't realize there was a forum. I am really excited to see that because I have tried to get my family and friends to join, but they haven't stuck with it. Hoping I will be more accountable if I have friends. Good luck with the weight loss.
  • gjc50
    gjc50 Posts: 35
    may i just say, my grandbaby weight needs to go
  • tstawicki
    tstawicki Posts: 61 Member
    That's what I have been saying only my last child now is almost 20. Thanks to this website I will be able to get in shape and lose the weight with the support of people from here. I started my journey 5 weeks ago and made a milestone. I got into the onederlands after coming close many times. Good luck and add me for support if you like
  • shurleec
    shurleec Posts: 99 Member
    Hi there. I have baby weight to lose as well. Feel free to add me.