Going to need all the motivation and support i can get

I will admit that I have been suffering with postpartum depression since having my second so finding the motivation at times is really hard. So I am feeling better so I am going to try to be more accountable and loose all the extra lbs I put on, both from my pregnancy but also from laying around in a vegetative state.

I am finally kicking my soda addiction which i don't even know why i drink the crap as i only drink the diet caffeine free stuff, also due to an intolerance no more dairy in my diet yeah this should be challenging god knows i am going to need all the help i can get. i LOVE cheese and yogourt. :(


  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Hi!!! Well not having dairy isnt a bad thing, its high in fat usually! I try to keep it to a minimum in my diet! Ya get rid of the soda, it bloats the stomach and makes u hungrier! And belly bigger! I drink a gallon of water a day! It is def a reason of my weight losS! Just keep trying and hang in there! U will do it!
  • Heya, I suffered PPD after having my twins too... it was awful. But I have a great doc that literally handed me an RX for 1 hr of exercise/me time EACH DAY. She said "I don't care how you do it, just do it." She knew I had been very active (running, kayaking, etc) before and during my pregnancy, and she's a runner too, so she knows the psychological benefits of exercise! Not only did it help me drop the pounds I'd gained, it helped me through some dark days too.
    That said, I also was prescribed a low dose antidepressant as well - if you are really struggling, you should talk to your doctor about your options and what you need to get well again. There's a lot of stigma around depression and medications, but just do what you need to to take care of YOU.
    Happy to support you any way I can!!! :o)

    Take care, and keep in touch!!!
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114 Member
    Girl, I have had a little bit of PPD kick in after I stopped breastfeeding. I was just so sad for no reason, found myself crying over every little thing. Some of the things that helped me were just getting out and having time for myself: pedi, mani, little shopping, even grocery shopping on my own was helping. Luckily, it didn't last long for me and I snapped out of it. But yes, motivation is hard to come by...