Really weird..can you explain?



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    definitely need more fiber, it will keep you full longer and help your system do it's thing!

    Experts can't agree on how often you should go but most say AT LEAST once per day, others think you should have to BM within a few hours of EACH major meal (I don't have that kind of time on my hands...or enough magazines :noway: ) TMI, sorry.

    beets are about 70 calories a cup canned. I couldn't not find calorie counts on MFP for boiled, but roasted are about twice that according to one receipe. How many calories a day are you consuming?
  • EcHoOoOoO
    EcHoOoOoO Posts: 89
    well im allowed 1200 plus my 800-1200 burned calories...eeeeek thats too many but this is my first week and ive stayed between 1300-1500. theres just no way im going to eat my 1200 plus 1200 more
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    definitely need more fiber, it will keep you full longer and help your system do it's thing!

    Experts can't agree on how often you should go but most say AT LEAST once per day, others think you should have to BM within a few hours of EACH major meal (I don't have that kind of time on my hands...or enough magazines :noway: ) TMI, sorry.

    lol that was a nice way to explain it... i do #2 like twice a day and i find it very normal now, i would actually worry if i did less than once a day... you want the dross out of your system as soon as possible... :sick:

    coffee can help with speeding the process but that's only if you aren't drinking too much and too often... after a while you get so used to it that it has absolutely no effect on the intestines, i have heard people complain it actually has the very opposite effect on them and leads to constipation... so you really shouldn't rely on the java if you want to "potty train" yourself to do it every day :tongue:

    i don't know about beets, i don't eat that, i would say eat raw fruit and veggies and your system will be naturally fixed
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    purrrr, you are a knowledgable joker. :wink: I do recommend beets. I have heard that any purpleish fruit of vegie is good for the dross removal. I don't remember why.... So don't count on me. Where is songbyrdsweetie when we need her?
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    oh i really don't know about beets in particular... i just meant that ANY raw fruit or veggie consumed will help speed up #2 as opposed to processed and cooked stuff... i think i've read vitamin C is what helps intestines work faster and it's found primarily in fruit but i am more inclined to believe it's the fiber in fruit that helps... it's much "better" than the fiber found in stuff like bran, which consumed in bigger quantities can lead to bloating, gas and constipation - i promise you you will never experience this if you consume large quantities of fruit... :tongue: (actually you will probably end up with diarrhea in that case, which is also not fun, so it's about finding the healthy medium)

    so who else thinks my make up is adding too much to my sexappeal? (i notice it's hard for people to handle this much)
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I'm just sayin -- Joker.gif
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    The main affect that comes from coffee is the heat. There's really nothing in the coffee, it's just the warmth of the liquid that get increases the peristalic motion (wave-like motion that moves things along) in the intestines.

    I learned that in my Anatomy and Physiology class!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    thanks, cherryred! The things we talk about on this website boggle the mind, not to mention the peristalic action in our intestines! :laugh: