Abstinent-minded people!

:flowerforyou: I found a great support group by attending a Celebrate Recovery in my area. While there I learned of Kay Sheppards book, "From The First Bite". I read the book from cover to cover and it fit: No sugar, wheat, or flour. Not only did I begin to lose weight quickly but my mind was cleared of the fog from avoiding foods containing sugar, wheat, and flour. They are toxic for me as a food addict. I am not just an overeater, I am a true addict.

I have heard people say many times that they can't live without their chocolate, deserts, bread, etc. Let's change that just a little bit. What should really be said is that you WON'T give up your chocolate, deserts, breads, etc. The choice is up to you. I know that if I continue to eat those things, I won't live. It will not be a choice. I am incapable of eating those things in moderation. I can do it for a very short time, but those foods ultimately lead me back to bingeing.

When I avoid the foods containing those ingredients, the weight does come off quickly, but as I said previously, my thinking is cleared up as well. I no longer suffer from bouts of depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. I don't have outbursts over trivial things. I treat myself better and I treat my family better. I can think and make rational decissions when I am 'clean'. Yes, food is my 'drug' of choice. I am no different than an alcoholic with their bottle or a drug user with their drugs. I will lie, cheat, and steal to get my next 'fix' the same as those with alcohol and drug addiction.

I am now 'clean' and the weight is coming off...again. Yes, I strayed from the plan for a few weeks and it was very detrimental. It was a painful reminder of just how badly those foods affect my brain and life, and just how difficult it is to stop. But, once 'clean', I am able to eat more than enough food and feel better. I am never hungry and I never crave the junk physically. I only crave mentally because that is the coping mechanism I have used for years.

I am going to track my foods and exercise, as well as my moods and other changes as I go through this journey. I would love to have others that feel this is the right plan for them join me in this. I encourage anyone to also find a local group where they can meet face to face with others on this journey. We are made to crave companionship and it is a wonderful thing to have as we strive to improve our lives.