Record yourself!

I don't usually post much on here but I had to share this. Yesterday, I had my husband record a portion of my work out so that I could see if I was actually getting those legs as high in the air as I thought I was. Well, those legs are getting that high! Even at 255, those kicks are high, those knees are high and I am on point with the work out. However, what I also saw is why my kids have giggled at me on occasion watching me work out. I would yell and tell them how they're not supportive. But, when I saw what they saw, I couldn't help but laugh. A woman my size trying to move like that is both amusing and inspiring. I put myself here. I have to deal with the consequences and part of getting me through this will be humor. I'm a big woman and watching me try to move that quick will be a constant reminder to never let myself get back there again. By the way, can anyone recommend a really good sports bra??!!


  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    No matter what size you are, you should always laugh at yourself. I love laughing at myself when I workout and I'm a big girl.

    I don't wear sport bras, so I can't help you there.