Yoga or Cardio?



  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I like both. However, I do hot yoga and it is not exactly light and easy! My heart rate is up, I'm breathing heavily, and sweat is pouring into my eyes and mouth. Sounds really lovely, huh? But goodness, I LOVE it :)

    Sometimes I'll do a hot yoga class in the morning and go for a run in the evening, I like to mix up my workouts. I get a good mix of hot yoga, strength training, and cardio into my routine every week!

    Wow, my words exactly!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    to me yoga is more for flexibility than burning calories, but ive only done basic yoga
  • jeepwidow01
    In the past, I had tried pilates just on a DVD and such & did not like it one bit. One reason was because I didn't feel like I was having a work out. How could I if I wasn't dripping with sweat? However, this fall I joined a pilates class once a week just to get moving again, flexible, etc. I am getting a workout, and definitely toning, etc. After having foot surgery, I was quite leary of getting back into cardio. Anyway, after the first class, I absolutely fell in love with pilates, but it has to do with the TYPE of pilates. I just started incorporating cardio back into my workout as well :smile:
  • LaurenMichelle004
    LaurenMichelle004 Posts: 80 Member
    I do both and love them, but for completely different reasons. I mainly do yoga for flexibility purposes (I can feel myself getting way more flexible and it rocks), as opposed to weight loss, which is what I incorporated cardio to help me do in the first place.

    Me too!! :)
  • renokt87
    renokt87 Posts: 7 Member
    I love hot yoga, and it is definitely cardio for me. I find it even more intense than running. I definitely prefer it to any other exercise I've tried - I get cardio, full body toning, and flexibility training all in one. It's the best use of my time, and I feel fantastic afterward. I've lost about 11-12 pounds so far, and hot yoga is 95% of the cardio/exercise I've done.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Even if I were to breath more when dead-lifting near maximal effort it wouldn't matter because the exercise isn't being maintained with oxygen, it is muscle strength oriented.

    While with the lighter weight because it is very light the exercise is "easily" maintained.

    Which was my point,. Whether you're training aerobically or anaerobically is NOT dependent on how you breathe during exercise, but rather on the exercise which you are doing, so suggesting, as you did in your previous post, that yoga is cardio *because* breath is part of the exercise is incorrect.

    I think there can be aerobic and aneerobic aspects to yoga, depending on what type of yoga you are doing and which poses or series you execute.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I do both, doing C25K currently, and do yoga several times a week. It helps me recover after my running, and has increased my flexibilty a great deal, I do feel I am getting stronger too.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I do both but it depends on my mood.

    I tend to do yoga when I want to do SOMETHING but my joints are aching or my muscles are sore from the other things I do. That said, I do enjoy it. I think the key to yoga is finding the style you like (I've never done the gentler, more meditative types - I suspect I'd get frustrated at the lack of effort and calorie burn) but I love Power Yoga. The other thing is finding teachers you like - Tony Horton is okay, but I love Bryan Kest - he's kind of "spiritual" without getting all hippy-dippy about it.

    I LOOOOVE Bryan Kest's DVD. I do it about 4x a week.