
i lost 30 pounds over last summer and the fall. but, i haven't been able to lose anything since then. i have about another 30 pounds i want to lose and its just been a yo-yo. up and then down.
i count all my calories and go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week for about an hour each time.
has anyone else been on a plateau like this and what did you do to get off of it?


  • coliegirl531
    i lost 30 pounds over last summer and the fall. but, i haven't been able to lose anything since then. i have about another 30 pounds i want to lose and its just been a yo-yo. up and then down.
    i count all my calories and go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week for about an hour each time.
    has anyone else been on a plateau like this and what did you do to get off of it?
  • avilam
    avilam Posts: 4
    I have only lost 10lbs and am now stuck. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, with the callories that I'm taken in I should be loseing I'm at 1200cal a day and excercize 3 to 4 days a week. I have no idea what to do now just like you. any help out there would be apreciated :)
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Most definitaly-- I stayed at the same weight range for almost a year it was horrible- I came to MFP when I first hit my plateau last year My weight didn't budge I gained and lost the same 4lbs I about had a break down I tried to MFP way thinking thats what I needed to do to lose the weight well that didn't work and I about quit I left MFP for awhile out of frustration-

    I didn't focus on calories and working out as much and packed on 8lbs when my husband came home from Iraq call them happy lbs lol- I lost them fairly quickly and was back at my plateau weight I decided to go back to what I was doing before MFP which was 1500 calories a day and working out really hard between cardio and weight training I use MFP to keep track of my calories because its easier that writing them down-

    So now in 9 weeks I have dropped 14lbs with intense workouts and eating around 1500 calories usually I am in the 1400-1490 calorie range. I feel fine I have plenty of energy

    Try switching up your workout routine that helps alot- So if you usually do the elliptical get on the treadmill and jog/run if you aren't a runner try alternating between fast walking for 2-3 minutes to running/jogging 2-3 minutes and continue to switch that the entire session- or get on the stair climber do the rowing machine- and don't forget to hit the weights (don't worry you won't get big and bulky) good luck- also re-evaluate the foods you are eating- You kind of have to shock your system to shake things up at times don't forget your water drink your water too.

    Good luck
  • Ms_Lady
    Ms_Lady Posts: 31
    From what I've read from various weight loss experts--including Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser)--you have to "trick" your body into jump starting weight loss by altering a high calorie meal with a low one. So, if you usually are allowed say 1400 calories per day, then one day you'll have to increase the intake by about 500 calories, and then reduce other days by the 500.

    Wednesday--1300 (take 100 off because of Tuesday)
    Thursday--1300 (take 100 off because of Tuesday)
    Friday--1300 (take 100 off because of Tuesday)
    Saturday--1300 (take 100 off because of Tuesday)

    This will prevent your body from thinking it's starving, and will jump start the weight loss process again. From what I understand you only do this when you've hit a PLATEAU (maintain, but not lose or gain).

    Hope this helps!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    My goodness, when I read your post I thought I'd written it in my sleep, well pound loss is a bit different but the rest is me. I can't offer any help as I can't seem to get off this 5 month plateau either but I'm hoping someone will know how.

    I've tried zig zagging, eating my exercise calories, not eating them. I've tried eating to maintain, then drop the cal count down again, to the 1200 cal minimum in hopes that I could actually start the weight moving again & I can't budge anything. :noway:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    i lost 30 pounds over last summer and the fall. but, i haven't been able to lose anything since then. i have about another 30 pounds i want to lose and its just been a yo-yo. up and then down.
    i count all my calories and go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week for about an hour each time.
    has anyone else been on a plateau like this and what did you do to get off of it?
    more things to take in account before determining your in a plateau and why and how to get rid of it....what is your caloric intake? how much of that is fats,sugars,carbs? Is your diet full of quality foods or are you just counting calories no matter what the calories consist of... How much sodium are you taking in? Do you drink water? what types of excercises are you doing at the gym and have you increased your intensity over that years time? a lot of times when we look into these things we find we arent reallly in a plateau at all but really overlooking and not being 100% with our diet and excercise and pushing ourselves to our maximum capabilty....i hope looking into these things will help you find the answers
  • erlehmkuhle
    I know I preach a lot about muscle memory, workout progression and herbal fat burners, but it has worked every day for me. I don't go more than 3 days on the same weight. I'm always cutting weight and looking healthier every week. If I would have started this system around X-Mas time, my BMI would have been in the high 30's. I'm now down to 27 BMI and lost 50.5 pounds. AND...I'm not done yet. Change up your workout from time to time and always progress your workout. An herbal supplement will always help too. Keep your head up and work hard. You can do it!!!
  • Maria061
    Maria061 Posts: 118

    what herbal supplement is good to get metabolism work better.
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Thats what I need to start takin as well is a herbal supplement, I also want to geta colonospy9dont know if that even spelled correctly:laugh: )
  • lmarcott
    lmarcott Posts: 16 Member
    How many calories were you eating before you went back to the 1500 & heavy workouts? I have heard from a number of people that bouncing up & down your calorie intake can jump start your metabolism and help with plateau issues. Really interested in knowing if it works.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    you could try more protein too (go to goals, custom, and change the % of protein, fat and carb). You could try changed them by 5% and see if that helps.
  • erlehmkuhle

    what herbal supplement is good to get metabolism work better.

    Try the Advocare product, Catalyst. That is what I use with great results. I have been on it since Christmas. I love it.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    People forget to look at their goals as they lose weight. What worked for you to rid yourself of the first 30 lbs is not going to work now. You need to take a good hard look and re-calculate how many calories you need to be eating now as well as what kinds of foods.

    You may need more carbs if you have started running or more lean proteins etc.

    You MUST continue to challenge your body an easy rule of thumb is to increase your cardio by 20%. If you are a time person increase your time, if you are a distance person increase your distance or resistance.

    As you get closer to your goal weight your body will gradually need you to do different things to get there and once your there you will need to constantly challenge yourself to maintain it!

    Plateaus are your body's way of saying it has figured out what you are doing and it isn't going to let you continue to change without a fight, time to put the gloves on and get to it!