What finally made you get serious about losing weight?

Please share! I've been trying to find motivation most of my life to get healthy & lose weight but it never happens! My boyfriend eats whatever he wants cause he's skinny and buying healthy food for myself is near impossible cause it's so expensive and we just can't afford it. I know exercise is free because I can do it at home. I've been trying to bring myself to do the 30 day shred but so far no luck. I need some serious motivation. I also think I may have a thyroid problem. =/


  • meg143k
    meg143k Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I just wanted to say its very hard to stay motivated, you have to really want it. I am on day 20 of the 30 day shred (last day of level 2 :-)) and I am personally seeing great results and loving it. I as well have thyroid problems which are a bummer but if you want it and make this part of your life then you will see great results and feel 100% better. I wish you the best of luck!
  • WannaBeThin87
    WannaBeThin87 Posts: 58 Member
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    What pushed me into finally getting my act together was a High Blood pressure diagnosis.

    Before that I had been working out regularly for a couple of years but I was not at all careful about what I ate. Figured that my exercise offset what I was eating. WRONG!!!

    My blood pressure was so high that when I went to the clinic (at the recommendation of my insurance company's nurse). They called an ambulance! Luckily, after a couple of different meds and a couple of hours lying still, there was no trip to the hospital.

    This was last April. At the time I weighed in at 272 lbs (5'10" tall). At the end of last year I weighed in at 196 lbs. My goal is 180 lbs. But, I started weigh lifting last Dec and I am finding it hard to eat for the strength/muscle building and lose weight. Currently I am at 194 lbs. I have added running 1x week to my routine and I can hardly wait until the snow melts enough to get my bike back on the road. I did more biking last summer than the previous 15 years combined! I know that this was a big part of my weight loss success!

    Lots of luck on your journey!

    As an aside - Do not focus on what your boyfriend does! As with any significant change, this is all on you! If you want it, do it! Worrying about what your boyfriend eats is a distraction. As for expense? For me, I reduced by at least 90% the amount of food I ate that was prepared or restaurant. This offset greatly the extra cost of healthier food choices.
  • I finally got it in my head that I felt so much better when I was eating better and moving. I've been at it since the first of the year and i've lost almost 8 pounds and I eat lots of veggies and fruits and whole grains and I feel so much better inside and out. i mean I still have 16 pounds to go, but I wake up and feel like I should be proud of myself and that is just as big of an accomplishment as losing the weight.
  • As an aside - Do not focus on what your boyfriend does! As with any significant change, this is all on you! If you want it, do it! Worrying about what your boyfriend eats is a distraction. As for expense? For me, I reduced by at least 90% the amount of food I ate that was prepared or restaurant. This offset greatly the extra cost of healthier food choices.
    [/quote] "This is quoted"

    You said it. It is great to exercise but you have to remember what you are eating is the biggie. The food makes the biggest difference.
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    For me, I just got totally sick of feeling tired and out of shape. I was done feeling sorry for myself. I was sick of my low self esteem and was ready to stop making excuses and just get off my butt and make the change.

    I think you really have to get to the point where you are so sick of being overweight that you are willing to do anything to get healthy.

    It took me 10 years to get to this point. I'm just happy it didn't take longer! I started this back on Dec. 11th. This is the longest I've stuck with something because I made the decision that this wasn't going to be a diet but a lifestyle change.

    I think we all have moments where we falter a bit, but that is where this community is fabulous! I had a couple down days in there, and people were so supportive and really gave me the boost I needed.

    I hope we can do that for you! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other!
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    hearing how type 2 diabetes is spreading and we are becoming a nation of obese and sick people, gave me the kick in the *kitten* to change my ways live a a better lifestyle
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I finally decided that enough was enough. I saw myself in pictures and could hardly recognize myself. I found out that when it really came down to it, I was unhappy and had stopped caring for myself.

    I literally hit the proverbial "rock bottom". It's different for everyone, perhaps you're not there yet. There's a difference though, between "dieting" and making a "lifestyle" change. One is temporary, the other is a long term commitment you make for yourself.

    Focus on you, what you want, tune out everyone else - including the boyfriend. If you're not doing this for yourself, it's not going to be enough. Write down reasons. Take pictures of yourself. List all the reasons why you can't possibly remain in the lifestyle you're in now for a single second longer and then wall paper your life with post-it notes with these written on them (throughout the house, on your nightstand, at work, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, etc).
  • lowerbsnow
    lowerbsnow Posts: 26 Member
    I have found that eating healthy, no processed foods, has lowered my grocery bill a lot. I eat mostly vegetables, 1 or 2 fruits a day, and small amounts of protein with two meals. I do not buy any "Diet" food. They are really not that healthy and expensive. You end up eating lots of chemicals, and they usually have high carbos. My portions on proteins, meats, are 3 or 4 oz. per serving. I have been doing this for almost 5 months. I think of food as fuel, not an occasion. One pound of turkey breast is at least 4 meals.

    I got serious about losing weight after my health started failing. I hope you don't wait for that motivation.

    Good Luck.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    The only thing that has ever made me stick to any kind of diet or exercise plan was when I had someone else for support and to be accountable to. For a long time this was my sister. We live in different cities but we would email each other every day with our "diet report" which was our food diary from the previous day, whether or not we had exercised, and what our weight was that day. We both lost about 30 pounds that way. Then she got tired of doing it and I tried to keep it up on my own but couldn't. A couple years went by and the weight crept back up. Then I started taking a weekly dance class. The class was small so if you didn't come they would notice! It wasn't as good as the daily interaction with my sister but it at least meant I was getting exercise once per week and that helped me be a little more focused the rest of the week. Then a friend of mine and I joined MFP together. I see her daily status reports and I know she sees mine because we comment on eachother's status. I would feel like I was letting her down if I didn't log my food. We also set a goal that we would try to get some exercise every day -- and of course when she exercise I see that and she sees if I am doing it as well. We also decided that at the end of two months we would get together to assess our progress. That is coming up in a couple of weeks and I am so proud of us for sticking with it!

    So, find a friend and get them to join with you and set goals together. It makes a huge difference!

    Regarding healthy eating -- no matter what you are eating you can still loose weight (if that is your goal) by practicing portion control. Boyfriend wants pizza for dinner? Fine, have pizza, but just don't have as much as he has. He wants a burger and fries? Fine -- eat the burger, skip the fries, and have an apple later if you are still hungry.

    My 2 cents!
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    Getting on the scale and having it said 165 pounds and not feeling good about buying clothes! Also, not having energy to play with my 3 munchkins!!
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    My daughter told me "Mom..you're not THAT fat" It was the first time I realized that I was no longer in the skinny girl category. Once I started working out daily I got addicted and my reasons became more about me and how I feel about myself.
  • sensa516
    I think it really hit realizing how many times I change my outfit just to run some errands. I just felt horrible in all of my clothing.
  • Hink4Iowa
    Hink4Iowa Posts: 79 Member
    our local gym is having a contest for $1000 , Im not in it but are following the ladies that are. Its a good motivation for me.
  • lost_snowboarder
    I thought and used the excuse of having a thyroid problem my whole life- all the women on my moms side has had theirs removed for it being to slow. So I always chucked it up to that on why I was overweight. But I got tested and Im actually in the perfect range--opps. but realizing that in School i was always upset about ym weight, and I was about 20 lbs over. now after almost 10 years of being out of HS im 50 over, I realized that the older I get the harder it will be. I also want to be healthy and happy for when we have kids. Also my husband deserves me to be around a while.
    Good luck!!
  • Liseii01
    Liseii01 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been at weight loss a few times, this time I truly believe is the last.

    What got me was I realized I didn't want to go places I used to enjoy, because I hated the way I look. I went in total depression mode a few months back, I was just so depressed about everything and my weight was the root of all evil. I didn't want to buy clothes all I wanted to do was sleep and eat. That's not like me, I loved dressing up.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Honestly I believe that motivation comes from with in. Simply put, I know longer liked looking at myself in the mirror. I am a soccer coach and I believe that I need to lead by example. Good luck finding your right place. You can do it.
  • thatdude3
    For me, I refused to by the next size pants. I just decided that was it. I have tried in the past to lose weight and never had great luck but with MFP I am finding it easy. It is a long process tho
  • cmillv
    cmillv Posts: 18 Member
    I hurt my back then realized I was taking my health for granted.
    If you think you have a thyroid problem, go have the blood work done. I have a hypoactive thyroid, I take medication now and feel better.
    Remember, walking is free and so is practicing portion control.
    You don't have to make some HUGE change in your life, just a few simple differences will help you make better choices down the road.

    Start simple.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I work in a job where I not only have to be fit but have to protect others. I could feel it. I needed a change.
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