New to myfitnesspal and I already need a kick up the...



  • rachellegarza
    I'm right with you! My husband has been paying for a gym membership for me since I had my son 8 months ago and have yet to set foot in it. I feel like I have valid excuses, work all day, come home and straighten up the house, feed family, take care of the kids needs, then off to bed. The only time I would really have is at lunch. For those of you that work out at lunch, how do you get everything done and back at work not stinking within an hour??
  • tstawicki
    tstawicki Posts: 61 Member
    If you can handle having chocolate in your house, allow for it in your daily totals. Some how denying your favorite things makes you crave it more so then you over indulge in it, Remember you are" in training" and will learn things about yourself as you go through the journey.
    Don't give up set your self a small goal of say 5 pounds this month and really pay attention to giving yourself enough protein and fiber throughout the day because it will keep you fuller and less chance to over eat.
    You may add me too!
  • kbleers
    I know how you feel, over the past month I have been working out regularly, but it isn't showing up on the scale. I need to drastically change my diet.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    It seems that 1300 is not enough calories for you or you're not getting good food (protein). You should be targetting 1 - 2 lbs per week. Anything more than that and you're likely to crash (like you did).
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I'm right with you! My husband has been paying for a gym membership for me since I had my son 8 months ago and have yet to set foot in it. I feel like I have valid excuses, work all day, come home and straighten up the house, feed family, take care of the kids needs, then off to bed. The only time I would really have is at lunch. For those of you that work out at lunch, how do you get everything done and back at work not stinking within an hour??

    I am not sure about your husbands schedule but what about waking up extra early and using the membership? I am up at 4 and at the gym at 4:45 AM. Granted I don't have children but if you're husband can be home, that's another option :)

    @ The person who posted the original post - You will be amazed how NOT tired you are once you start exercising but I understand where you are coming from. If going to the gym in the afternoon after work and somehow also clean dishes, do laundry, make dinner was my only option - I would make the excuse of being too tired too because I would be but what about again the option of going in the morning? Believe me, I am not a morning person but I just had to make a decision to do it because it was the best time for me.

    Also, I wouldn't recommend 'treating' yourself to a diet coke if you are too tired to go to the gym... reading, sure .... anything else.. sure to stop yourself from eating the chocolate but not replacing it with something else that is unhealthy. Oh and you'll see a lot of people say this but: Do not TREAT/REWARD yourself with food (esp. bad food....) it's a bad cycle. That's what many of us who are overweight is fighting ---- eating when we are emotional and that includes being "happy"

    You can do it.. you just have to take control and believe in yourself. If I can do it, anyone can :)
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I'm right with you! My husband has been paying for a gym membership for me since I had my son 8 months ago and have yet to set foot in it. I feel like I have valid excuses, work all day, come home and straighten up the house, feed family, take care of the kids needs, then off to bed. The only time I would really have is at lunch. For those of you that work out at lunch, how do you get everything done and back at work not stinking within an hour??

    A few guys here would hit the gym during lunch. They would just shower at the gym. I feel that's easier for a guy though since most don't really have to worry about blow drying their hair and all the other crap us ladies have to do.
  • rachellegarza

    I am not sure about your husbands schedule but what about waking up extra early and using the membership? I am up at 4 and at the gym at 4:45 AM. Granted I don't have children but if you're husband can be home, that's another option :)

    I would love to do that, but unfortunately I live about 35 minutes out of town. I will have to just go to the school track and see what I can get accomplished in an hour there. Thanks for the advice though!
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    and if you're sure you're never going to use the membership, I'd look into canceling it! You could use that extra money to buy some free weights for around the house, or healthier food.
  • rachellegarza
    A few guys here would hit the gym during lunch. They would just shower at the gym. I feel that's easier for a guy though since most don't really have to worry about blow drying their hair and all the other crap us ladies have to do.

    I only wish it was so easy for a woman. I thought about just going in and doing cardio, but I get all sweaty and being a redhead, my face turns bright red so I would have to explain that back at the office.:blushing: Would just lifting weights help?
  • Seaver3409
    I also log mine before I eat. It helps me stay on track
  • gerri38
    i am happy to support you :-) don't go for the chocolate ......message me and we can swap ideas.........Remember summer is on the way!
  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member

    I only wish it was so easy for a woman. I thought about just going in and doing cardio, but I get all sweaty and being a redhead, my face turns bright red so I would have to explain that back at the office.:blushing: Would just lifting weights help?

    I too am a redhead (somewhere under the hairdye and hate the swety red face in public thing :)
    I have started going for a walk either a short one at lunchtime, or one when I first get back from work or sometimes last thing before bed (I drag my husband along on that one as it is REALLY dark out there)

    i find logging on here regularly good motivation and I post my weight lose on facebook along with my pledge to not eat crap
    Facebook friends have been great when I have called in for coffee - not saying much but not offering cake or biscuits either :0
  • rachellegarza
    I too am a redhead (somewhere under the hairdye and hate the swety red face in public thing :)
    I have started going for a walk either a short one at lunchtime, or one when I first get back from work or sometimes last thing before bed (I drag my husband along on that one as it is REALLY dark out there)

    i find logging on here regularly good motivation and I post my weight lose on facebook along with my pledge to not eat crap
    Facebook friends have been great when I have called in for coffee - not saying much but not offering cake or biscuits either :0

    Thanks for the advise. I will try to plan for something during my lunch hour. One way or another, I want to use that time to work on me!