


  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I too hate running... But, I have just simply been adding a little bit of time and intesity at a time. I had a terrible time with shin splints when I started, but, I just kept at it. Whenever I felt pain, I stopped. I waited a week and went as far as I could.. I just didn't force it. I'd do however long I could do before I got short of breath. I slowed down to a walk, caught my breath, and started back up again... It was a slow and painful process, but, now I'm running 1/2 miles at a 3:30 clip. I'm just going to keep building my distance week by week. My goal is to be able to go for 20 straight minutes and a high pace. It may take 6 months, but, I'm cool with that.

    Just stay patient and listen to your body. Getting properly fitted shoes for your foot and your running style will also help.
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I never thought I liked running... until I was brave enough to give it a go and turns out I love it! I like how it gives me a break from my own head. It doesn't matter what was troubling me before, after a run I always feel like I've had a break from it all.

    I started out power walking and then I'd run the last minute, and after a few times I'd run the last two minutes, last three minutes etc. There are loads of different ways to build yourself up for it so that you can eventually run without walking in between but you have to start somewhere and that's okay. I was always scared of trying because I had this idea in my head that I would either do it, or fail, but it's not like that. You can start out slow and build it up as you go along.

    Good luck!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Also, find a store that will fit you for the right shoes for you. Most stores don't do this. But they will help, especially if you have knee problems. And, if you are working with a trainer, let them know. Be prepared for shin splints...they suck but do happen. I have them now and am having to ice nightly. Also, get a foam roller (target has them for around $25). It will work out the soreness all over your body...and you will definitely be happy you used it once you start. Don't give up. Even if you have to stop, remember that the important thing is to just keep moving. It doesn't matter what speed you do it in as long as you do it. The c25k is a 9 week program...With that, set a goal in mind. I run a 5k the saturday of my last week...which will be my "graduation" from the program. If you do this, find one that interests you. I am doing the Color Run.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Thanks for this great question. I desperately want to be a runner but have knee problems. I have had one rebuilt already from playing tennis. I printed out the Couch to 25K and was looking at trying that but the weather here is pretty unforgiving so I thought I would try to start on the treadmill so I gave that a shot. I was totally out of control and felt like I was going to fly off the back, side or even over the front.

    What is some advice for getting running on a treadmill without endangering myself and all those around me? I tried holding on to all the different bars and hand positions but that didn't work. It seems like everyone just hops on and off they run but I was all over the place. HELP!!!

    Start out on the treadmill or elliptical...That's what I do during my lunch hour. I have found the elliptical to be gentler on my knees but feel it gives me a better workout.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    Thank you for posting this! It's something I'm interested in as well as I have NEVER been into running.
  • amem07
    amem07 Posts: 8 Member
    Maybe I could chime in here a bit :) My brother in-law owns a running store....and I come from a family of runners.

    The shoes and actually also the socks are the most important!!! Go to a running store....they should be able to tell you what type of running shoes you need depending on any aches, pains, and also they should be able to tell by the way you walk. See if they can do the test for you.

    Also, get a good pair of socks :)

    Also, I know local running stores also have "running clubs" don't be afriad of these - there are people off all different levels and they will teach you the proper way to run. They also have running classes on teaching you how to run (you would be suprised how many people run incorrectly)!

    START OUT SLOW!!!! Try running for 1 minute to start.....or even 30 seconds and take walk breaks in between! I have heard that C25k is great! I never tried it as I have always been a runner- but I knew someone that did it!

    Running can be really fun! Find a friend or group to run with! It will make it fun and give you motivation too!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I used to hate running. But as I feel myself getting stronger and able to do more, I hate it less. At least before and after. Sometimes, in the middle of running, I still am not a fan. But here's how i went from only walking to running a little bit to running a little bit more...

    Good shoes
    good socks

    Couch to 5k
  • Dch2012
    I became a runner in my early 20s. My first run I could not run from one light pole to the next. But I was over 180 pounds and kept at it. Before long I was running 6 kms a day and loving it (also 50 pounds lighter)

    Now fast forward to 34, once again overweight (this time the result of having two children and quitting smoking) and knees that would hurt everytime I try to run (its been 7 years so its like learning all over). The first thing to do is get a pair of good sneakers depending on pronation (i overpronate which seems to contribute to the knee probs) I also find certain brand names i can not wear (some of my most expensive running shoes have killed my knees). Strengtenging your quads with lunges will also stabilize your knee when running (so the physiotherapist tells me)

    I am finally back into a great running routine and my knees no longer hurt. I started doing a minute on and two off then one on one off.... you get the idea. Once I could run for ten minutes it was not hard to push myself to 30. The key is to go longer at slower speeds. Once you get the time in then you work on the speed training in intervals (plus interval training is supposed to burn more calories)

    Hope this helps.
  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    I use to hate running when I was in school, I was ok ish at it but never really got into it.
    A few years back I was looking for a cheep sport to start as the gym was boring for me. I timed myself as the program said, and had pains in my knee and gave up in the second week cos I was trying to hard and should have slowed down,as I know know.
    Tried again last year the 'run5' app for the iPhone but again I was trying to hard and gave up again in the second week.

    I started three weeks ago again, ths time I asked my husband to join me, and I am in week three now. :) my hubby tells me to slow down and keep my speed constant , which I have a problem with. It's hard work but I am looking forward to the next session out there and get better at it. I am wearing the same shoes than I wore in the past attempts but my knee is not playing up either anymore.
    Give it a try on your own with a heart rate monitor or join a group for support
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm pretty much the same as anyone here - My thoughts on running used to be "I only run if I'm being chased and even then it's questionable." I have decided that since my husband and brother in-law were doing the Warrior Dash as St. Jude Warriors, I wanted to do something worth while too and prove to myself that I could run just as far as "the boys." I downloaded the Couch to 5K app on my ipod and have completed week one. I start week 2 today and I'm really excited about it. I find that I can run longer without having to struggle to breathe and the intervals are nice to break the ice into running. With the app, it's also nice because I can listen to my music while still having my vocal instructions and it makes the time pass much faster. I will be running a 5K in September and I can't wait!
  • frogman4591
    I have always hated running. :noway:

    I mean seriously my mindset has ALWAYS been if i'm running you'd better run to 'cause something scary:devil: is behind me.

    Oddly enough, i'm getting interested in the idea:embarassed: . but my knees always hurt when i run and i get short of breath pretty easy.

    so the question is this...

    How does a Non-Runner become a Runner?:huh:

    any ideas?

  • bluecarrots
    bluecarrots Posts: 1 Member
    Ditto to all advice above about getting the right shoes. Try and rope in a friend or two to start walking/jogging/running with you. Its so much easier to drag yourself out of bed for an early morning run, or motivate yourself to jog back from work or do a 20 minute jog in luchtime, or whatever works for you, if you have a friend to go with and to chat with about your running. Maybe find a beginner friendly event to have as a goal if that helps with motivation too. I started jogging about 8 years ago to support friend who was doing a charity run, I thought I'd just do the one event but after 6 months I was hooked. I don't love very run and sometimes I really don't enjoy it at all but generally its a chance to de-stress, keep fit and you can have a big piece of guilt free cake afterwards! Good luck and enjoy.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I wish you lived closer, we could do this together! I attempted running for the first time last week. When I told my 12 year old he asked why, I said to get healthy. He then got this shocked look on his face and said, "You did this on purpose???" :laugh:

    I have also heard Couch to 5K is great and one of my FB friends mentioned there is an iphone app called beginning running (or something to that effect). I have an android and didn't see one comparable. I am just doing the walk 1 minute, run 30 sec until I can build up my strength.

    Good luck!!
  • AmandaBroun
    I'm with you. I hate running. Hate it. But I like the IDEA of running. I finally (rightfully) convinced myself that running was not the end all, be all of exercise, and I was fine without it. But now I'm trying again because it's the one thing I can get dh to do with me, and I want to be able to say "hey, let's go jog".

    Oh, god, do I hate it though. Maybe someday I'll get over that hump. I'll let you know.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    um...this may be a stupid addition to my previous question...but:embarassed:

    What do you wear when you run?
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    Number 1....go to a professional shoe store, get a gait analysis and get fitted for the right shoes.
    Number 2....sign up for a 5K and train for it. (Most 5Ks are for a good charitable cause, so it's a win-win.)
    Number 3....focus on increasing your TIME instead of your DISTANCE.
    Number 4....if you love music, fix up a nice playlist or download some new songs to listen to while you run.
    Number a running app on your phone or buy a GPS/HRM watch. Cool gadgets are always great motivators! :)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I went from not being able to run 90 seconds to being able to run for 13 miles. I started with c25k 6 months ago at 220 pounds. I would definitely start with c25k.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Couch to 5K hasn't just helped me learn to run.... It is the ONLY reason I know how to run!

    I'm on week 4 day 3 tomorrow, I can't wait :)

    I hated even the idea of running, but I wanted a full body cardio exercise and I don't have a nearby pool, so I thought running would be practical.

    I love it.
  • aritchey1977
    aritchey1977 Posts: 65 Member
    My friend runs over 50 miles a week and when I say run I mean he RUNS full speed. He's awesome. He gave me some good advice when I started jogging. One of the best things he told me was to get knee braces for knee support. I got the ace brand ones at walmart that have a sleeve you stick your leg through. They are $20 each and seriously the best $40 I ever spent on exercise gear. I managed to run a 5k last year and am now training for a 1/2 marathon. Also when you start-start SLOW. Run slow. There's no need to start blasting full speed ahead when you first start. I do a warm up just by walking fast until I am ready to run and then as time has progressed I have started to increase my speed and my time. Get good shoes. Cheap shoes are awful and will not asorb the shock to your knees. I swear by Reebok personally. When me and my husband first started out we could only do 1 minute of running then 5 min of walking. Now we can run a 5k and more. It is doable. You just have to be determined to do it. Control your breathing and that helps prevent stitches. Good luck!!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I wish you lived closer, we could do this together! I attempted running for the first time last week. When I told my 12 year old he asked why, I said to get healthy. He then got this shocked look on his face and said, "You did this on purpose???" :laugh:

    I have also heard Couch to 5K is great and one of my FB friends mentioned there is an iphone app called beginning running (or something to that effect). I have an android and didn't see one comparable. I am just doing the walk 1 minute, run 30 sec until I can build up my strength.

    Good luck!!

    Android C25K apps:

    C25K Couch to 5K by RunDouble (free)
    C25K Pro
    C25K 5K Trainer FREE