Once a month cooking?



  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I cook something up on Sundays. That is my cooking day. I make soups, casseroles, pasta dishes, whatever! One or two things each Sunday. Then I portion it up in one serving portions, put them in freezer bags (for the most part) and freeze them. After a couple weeks of this, it gets easy, because I have left over meals from the prior weeks. When I make a low fat lasagna, I portion it out into many servings. Same with soups and everything else. Then I can have a large variety of food each week, all made by me, so I know exactly what is in them, and I don't get bored with my diet. I don't have a lot of time during the week, so this is my way of making sure that I am never at that point of "I only have 10 minutes for lunch and nothing to eat, I should just drive thru somewhere!" Not going to happen! I won't let it!