Cheat days?



  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I don't do cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it - I simply do it in moderation. Having to wait for a specific meal or day to enjoy something I want is too diet-ish for me. I would much rather enjoy that Reese's NOW than have to wait for a certain day. Eat it, log it, move on.
  • dalygirl_2010
    We( my husband and I ) call it a BOOST meal, we do a single meal where we eat whatever we want. It is always Thursday after we weigh, and to this day we have not gone over our calories due to it... ( oh and its a Boost meal cus it gives your body that little boost from the extra calories, helps your metabolism, it may not be true but hey it helps ease my mind while eating)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I don't know if I would call them "cheat days" but if i have a big allotment of calories from my workout on Thursday, my hubby and I do a date night on Friday night where I use those calories from the day before.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I call it a free day. But usually it's just more the evening. I try to have a healthy breakfast and lunch and then allow myself to not care about what I choose for dinner and dessert. I do it about once a week, simply because it makes me feel balanced, and helps me get through those hard cravings when I tell myself "if you still want it on your free day you can have it." usually by that time the craving is gone, but on the off occasion it isn't I allow myself that treat.
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I really don't have any 'cheat days'. If I feel like having something that's on the unhealthy side, I will but in moderation.

    Although today is probably considered a major cheat day for me, it being Fat Tuesday and all.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Cheat days really arent a good idea at all. Its better to have a "cheat meal" that way, you don't go out of control and blow your entire week on a single day. Perhaps either every friday or every sunday, you can let yourself indulge with dessert and whatever meal youre craving :)

    I don't use cheat days or spike days whatever people call them either. But losing weight is a highly individualized endeavor and what doesn't work for one might be the best thing in the world for another.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I agree with Jillian Michaels philosophy and I don't believe in cheat days. What or who, pray tell, am I cheating on? Me?? Damn well better not be! I will choose occassionally to have something out of the norm for me, be it a birthday cake slice or a slice of pizza but I include those "calories in" my daily intake budget. Every day. No slacking. Slacking or cheating implies lying to yourself. Sorry. Boyfriends and husbands may lie to me but I'll be damned if I'm going to lie to myself.

    Be true to you and what your goals are - health and strength and abundance, or fences and rules and potential cheating.

  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    If I were to consider myself on a diet, I would feel the need to cheat. But since, I am learning how to eat responsibly then I figure I can eat what I want as long as I stay within my calories. If I eat more, then I need to move more. I chose to eat healthy so if I "cheat", who am I cheating but myself.

    Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
    Pretty much this.

    Eating food is not "cheating." Nor can you eat clean. All marketing gimmicks made to make the "dieter" feel guilty.
  • Larissa26
    Larissa26 Posts: 12 Member
    Cheat meals throw me off, I go into "CHEAT DAYS" and i mean day(S) LOL!
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    Well, I cheat on holidays, but I up my deficit throughout the week to even that out. If I'm in a plateau, I'll spike my calorie intake for a few days and then get back to 1200.
  • Face2012
    I usually have 1 or 2 cheat days every week. For me it is usually over the weekends and its usually one meal out of that day.
    I weigh in on fridays, so im fierce with my workout schedule and eating regimen during the its alot easier for me to follow during my work week anyway, since my schedule is so set in stone during work days.... On the weekend, i indulge a little because i think its necessary. If you take away all the things you love to eat, then eventually you will binge and just lose your mind on goodies.... so for me, its been a good balance. And on those cheat days, if i know ive been especially bad, then i may stay in the gym a lil longer or get an extra workout day in over the weekend.
    For me its become more about a lifestyle change.... eating smaller portions, some regular execise, vitamins, plenty of water, and plenty of sleep..... If i completely gave up my steak or my pasta, i dont know what i would do with myself :-)
    I still enjoy those things i really like, i just try not to eat the whole plate of Cajun Chicken pasta when i go to TFIG:-)
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I don't have cheat days, or set "cheat meals". If I indulge, it goes in the journal and I deal with it. I just make sure that doesn't happen often.
  • marinaevgenevna
    I really like healthy food, so I rarely get cravings for junk. I do, however, enjoy the occasional meal at a restaurant or sushi with my boyfriend, friends, family, etc. Once in a while, I'll have my favorite wines.
    While I wouldn't cheat unless it was something nice, you can't just always say no to these things (e.g., how can you go to Italy and not enjoy a pizza or a gelato? Not have a pastry in France?). As long as you don't go overboard and have these things only once in a while, I think it's perfectly acceptable to cheat once in a while - it's part of living life to the fullest!!
    Of course, if you were to "overenjoy" these cheat foods, then that would be detrimental to the other activities you enjoy doing and the clothes you like wearing, etc. - it's all about balance.
    I don't have cheat days/meals regularly and they're not planned into my schedule, but when it's worth it, I'll try it (the interesting and exotic food :) )
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I have a "splurge day" once a week, which is usually only one meal. I vary it & kind of plan which day it will be. I try not to have splurge day on the same day that I don't exercise, but it happens sometimes. I think it keeps you from feeling deprived plus it "tricks" your body into not storing fat b/c you are eating less (not is a lifestyle change) the rest of the week.
  • Melyssaks
    Melyssaks Posts: 69 Member
    My boyfriend lives out of town so I don't get to see him often. So when we finally do see each other I tend to have "cheat days". While I don't necessary eat more then usual (though eating out/ hitting up the bar can make that impossible some days), I don't have time to exercise which is what really kills my calories on those days. I find that it's almost impossible to eat only 1200 calories, especially if I'm at his house, so without exercise I usually go over some. While in a perfect world he would just exercise with me I don't see that happening anytime soon. So for now I would rather spend the time with him and have a couple cheat days every once in a while then ruin our time together with hungry, grumpy me.