no "real" exercise buddies

So I love all the MFP friends and encouragment I get from everyone here, BUT to get my real life friends involved in exercise is a joke.
I was invited to a fundraising "boot camp" hour long session with a personal trainer. And they are giving all participants a case of Chobani yogurt too! All for $10. None of my friends want to go. :frown:
I've been doing some research and have found an obstacle course 5K right in my home town this summer. :happy: The problem is nobody wants to do it with me. I don't have a problem doing a regular 5K by myself but this looks like fun and it would be more fun with a buddy or buddies.
So why is it so hard to get people to exercise and have fun? Maybe I need new friends :huh:


  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    When I started over a year ago this was the case. BUT I made the decision purposefully to not have an exercise buddy, I wanted to succeed or fail on my own, if I didn't follow through I wanted no one to blame but myself. Plus no one to pursuade me to go to Starbucks rather than go to the gym. Since then I have made friends from going to gym and classes. THESE are the friends I ask to go do that stuff with, they are just as dedicated and find just as much enjoyment out of that stuff as I do. My advice is to be chatty at your next class or make a quick conversation with someone at the gym. If they really want to talk they'll continue the conversation or chat with you the next time, if not than find someone else.
  • tripgrunt
    tripgrunt Posts: 14 Member
    i'm in the same boat. i do have some volleyball aquaintances that i could probably get once in awhile but that's inconsistent and they're at a higher level than me and i dont want to bring them down. i've been trying to be more outgoing at the gym but being an extremely shy person it's difficult for me. i'm trying to start small like with an occassional smile but while i'm working out it may not look like one lol. that and i feel rude interrupting someone's workout. but overall i've been good about going by myself which i think helps more in the long term plan :-)
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Any chance you are a member of a gym?

    While I have a hard time convincing family and friends to join me in my new, healthy lifestyle
    by eating better and exercising, I have made quite a few friends at the gym. I go to the gym
    the same time everyday and over time have noticed folks who are there the same time with me.
    A few introductions and hellos soon became conversations and joint workout sessions!

    I did a 5K last October and had 2 girls from the gym join me, as well as my trainer and his wife.
    In May, I am signed up to attempt my first ever "Warrior Dash" and have girls from the gym running
    by my side as well.

    So, if you do have a membership- don't be shy! Go out there and make friends with some like minded folk!

    Good Luck! and gratz to you for your commitment and determination, even though it's mostly solo atm.
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    Ditto to the above comments!! Ask somebody at the gym if you are a member - or if the have a comment wall leave a message looking for buddies! I have found a few running friends this way!