A little worried and need advice...

So, I'm going for my honeymoon to St. Lucia in December. Ideally, I want to drop 40 pounds by the time my wedding gets here, but that's only 7 months away so I'll settle for dropping 40 pounds by the time I have to go for my honeymoon (December). I know a lot about fitness and nutrition but haven't ever really stuck to anything so I'm worried I won't be able to drop the weight. However, I've never had motivation like this before. A wedding AND a honeymoon that requires me to be in a bikini/swimsuit 95% of the time. I would like expert advice from someone, ANYONE about whether or not the plan below will work for me.

Daily calorie limit: 1400
Cardio 45-60 minutes - twice a week
P90X - twice a week
Insanity - once a week

I know that P90X is meant more for toning purposes, but if I couple it with 3 days of cardio, will I still drop the weight? Also, is my calorie limit okay or too low or too high?

Any other pieces of advice? I really appreciate any help at all.


  • msespresso
    msespresso Posts: 153 Member
    Did you plug those numbers into your mfp goals? You're looking to lose about 1.5 lbs a week to get there in 7 months... I'd be curious what the computer suggests :) I'm no expert, but thought you needed an answer from someone :)
  • cyoung8151
    cyoung8151 Posts: 19 Member
    I realize you posted this a while ago, but I've just come back to the program, and was wondering how your wedding prep was coming, so I found this post. I would think that 1400 calories including exercize points should be right. I don't think going under 1200 a day for any length of time is healthy, and you will probably burn 200 a day in exercize. You could do down to 1000 + 200 for exercise for 3-4 days/ week, or maybe one week out of a month, if you still were able to do exercize and work without feeling too drained.

    Sleep and water are your other two important tools. You will not lose weight without being properly hydrated and well rested. Good luck! I know you will be a beautiful bride!