Please help me, I'm out of control

Hi, my name is Oliviana and I'm 23 years old. My life is spinning out of control and I would really appreciate someones help.

I weight about 110, and considering I'm like half an inch under 5'2", that's not an awful weigh for me...but what I want is to be toned. But that's not why i need help.

Food. I LOVE food. I love sweet potato fries, gnocci, dark chocolate, bundt cakes, starbucks frappys, lasagna, cheese, crackers, carrots, snap peas, bananas, malts, cookies and cream anything, oreos, girl scout cookies, enchiladas, and frosting. I like healthy food, too, but I have a huge problem. If i even taste any of the above mentioned foods, my control vanishes. (Exception of bananas and snap peas and carrots.) I can't just have a bite, I want to grab all of it and eat eat eat it. If I don't have ANY of the above foods ever, I keep control. But I'm also unhappy and I feel so deprived. Why isn't "everything in moderation" working for me?

I want to be beautiful, and I don't feel or look beautiful. But if I keep my control, I feel deprived and I crave things ALL the time. If I let myself lose control, I feel temporarily happy and then hate myself again later.

Please help me, I don't know what to do.


  • Oliviana
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Have you attempted to eat at or near maintenance calories for intake, along with lifting weights? Along with this suggestion, have you attempted to incorporate these foods into your diet WHILE AT MAINTENANCE intake?

    I'm specifically asking because of this opinion: You can fit a whole lot more chocolate into a 2000 calorie budget than a 1200 calorie budget (for example). Perhaps this would allow you enough room to eat a substantial enough portion to not feel deprived?

    I'm just throwing this out there -- I could be wrong on this.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I am no way a substitute for professional advice and help. But you say you are unhappy and that can contribute greatly to your problem. I never thought I had fed my emotions with food, until I had problems losing weight two yrs after my first child. Most people will tell you that if you have that food available in your home, you will most likely eat it. Its temporary but eating makes you feel good for a moment. a very short moment,
    I hope you can work it out. I keep healthy food on hand and try and drink lots of water. Good luck and stay on MFP there are a lot of good people here who can give you advice or just be your buddy who understands.
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    I just had a mini binge. I was great all day and then I saw I had left over calories so I thought I would get myself a treat, and then I ate a little bit of everything! I think the goal should be to not take all the fun yummy foods away. Treat yourself, yes but not so you feel bad about it. A treat a day is okay, one piece of chocolate, or a splurge during the week. And always remember tomorrow is a new day and a new start. Just keep trying. That is the only conclusion I can come to.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    I have the same issue with peanut butter, and chocolate - I either don't have it, or have it and eat a whole block, and crave it for a week afterwards.
    For me the "in moderation" hasn't worked so I'm just trying not to eat it - if I need a treat it's something I can control like yesterday I had two jelly snake lollies. But the foods I love and crave I just eat and eat and eat.
    Would love to see the responses on here about this!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have the same problem. The road is bumpy and slow, but dedication will get you to your goals. Depriving yourself completely of things is not going to help in the long run. I'm trying to allow myself the things I love, but in moderation. For example, I refuse to give up chocolate, but where I used to gobble up whole candy bars at once, I now take a bit and savour it over a long period of time. My craving is satisfied, and my food diary isn't a huge, scary, daunting mess.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You need to address your love for food. It's forever going to be unrequited! It takes a long time to reprogram your thoughts about food. I'm struggling with it too. I am slowly changing how I look at food. Trying to look at it as fuel and not something to help emotionally. I have struggled with this and weight loss for a long time. It's not an easy task. You may need professional help to get you through this. There is no shame in that. You have to always remain conscious of what you are doing. You can't just mindlessly eat. Eat slow and enjoy every bite. Try to do with less. Only get out 1 serving, and put the rest away before you start. Hide it in the back of a cabinet so it's hard to get to. That way you have time to think about it before you dig in.