Isagenix anyone?

I just googled and couldn't find anything about this. Only advertising and people selling it.

My cousin just called and we both started our new lifestyles around the same time. She a month before. I was telling her that we are eating healthy and trying to eat clean and doing the gym 4 or 5 times a week, zumba, weight lifting, eliptical, etc. I mentioned I lost 7 pounds, gained 6 on vacation and so far lost 4 of the six. She tells me she is down FORTY POUNDS just doing isagenix. No exercise. She says she is saving money since she doesn't eat "normal food." and she's taking vitamins and feels great. I was dumbfounded. Anyone have any information on this?

Now, she is about 100 lbs. overweight, one child who is 5, she is about 5'9. I am 60 lbs. overweight, 5'2, three kids, youngest 9 months.

My doctor told me that MFP, eating well and the exercise are the way to go for me. He told me to take a multivitamin and a D.

Wondering your thoughts?


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I just googled and couldn't find anything about this. Only advertising and people selling it.

    My cousin just called and we both started our new lifestyles around the same time. She a month before. I was telling her that we are eating healthy and trying to eat clean and doing the gym 4 or 5 times a week, zumba, weight lifting, eliptical, etc. I mentioned I lost 7 pounds, gained 6 on vacation and so far lost 4 of the six. She tells me she is down FORTY POUNDS just doing isagenix. No exercise. She says she is saving money since she doesn't eat "normal food." and she's taking vitamins and feels great. I was dumbfounded. Anyone have any information on this?

    Now, she is about 100 lbs. overweight, one child who is 5, she is about 5'9. I am 60 lbs. overweight, 5'2, three kids, youngest 9 months.

    My doctor told me that MFP, eating well and the exercise are the way to go for me. He told me to take a multivitamin and a D.

    Wondering your thoughts?
    The larger you are the easier it is to loose weight. If you pay attention to heavier then you exercising friends you'll notice they burn a ridiculous amount of calories in a short period of time just walking.

    My sister was on pills like this several times. They work. They're also dangerous and not the healthiest way to go about things but sometimes its more important to loose weight (it probably is if you're 100 pounds over weight). I'll also note that every time she's taken them she's always gained the weight back...immediately.

    I couldn't find much online either but found these:

    Quite a few commenters reported that they had tried it and it either didn’t work or caused side effects such as 5 days of violent diarrhea. One reported gaining a lot of weight while taking it; many reported losing weight just as well without it. Several reported credit card disputes with the company and failure to get their money refunded. One reported that his parents are using it and it seems to be slowly killing them: they have decreased energy, declining health, mood swings, and poorer control of diabetes.

    I had to swerve off of a highway so I could spend the next 20 minutes throwing up. I don't mean to be gross, but after 2 days of eating nothing I really wonder what was all that white stuff I was throwing up. I actually felt better after throwing up but more fun was waiting for me at home. I barely made it to the bathroom to experience 10 minutes of bloody diarrhea.
    There is no doubt this product cleans you out but it is at the expense of your stomach and intestinal linings. This product might work for some but after I get my money back I'm going to try eating better and exercise.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    bumping for more
  • kimnfrosty5
    kimnfrosty5 Posts: 11 Member
    OMGee, my uncle was selling it and got us using it. It only works b/c u don't eat anything! U eat some sort of tablet and almonds for breakfast and lunch, then a protien shake for dinner, then there is a gross liquid to drink(taste like urine, if i were to guess what urine taste like),....... not good!!! U will lose, but u will also be grumpy, and have no energy.
  • kimnfrosty5
    kimnfrosty5 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention.....ended up gaining all the weight i had lost and gaining more. Now I'm eating right and working out at the gym, and feel so much better.
  • kimnfrosty5
    kimnfrosty5 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention.....ended up gaining all the weight i had lost and gaining more. Now I'm eating right and working out at the gym, and feel so much better. NOT WORTH IT.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    OMGee, my uncle was selling it and got us using it. It only works b/c u don't eat anything! U eat some sort of tablet and almonds for breakfast and lunch, then a protien shake for dinner, then there is a gross liquid to drink(taste like urine, if i were to guess what urine taste like),....... not good!!! U will lose, but u will also be grumpy, and have no energy.

    Glad to hear someones personal unpleasant experience. No pooping to success for me :D

    And yeah, I think a lot of people might read oh they gained the weight back but IIII won't...there's a reason you gain weight back. You go from eating slug and stuff that wants to get out of you quickly to real food and your body is not going to digest it as quickly.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    bumping for more info.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I used isagenix and it really worked well for me BUT the problem I have with it is that it is VERY expensive and you are not learning how to eat properly so as soon as you stop it, you will gain your weight back. I am not a fan of processed stuff like this because you have to look loooong term. I could never continue in the long term. Plus did I mention "it is really expensive!!". and they kept raising their prices.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I really think people have to be ready in their own minds to eat properly and until that happens they will be on the yoyo diet rollercoaster. Thinking in the looooong term and changing the way your view food, as well as moving your body is the ONLY way to do it forever. Don't worry about your cousin though, because each of us has to find this out for ourselves or it won't be a permanent change. Let her make her own mistakes. Hopefully it will lead her to the right path eventually. She is taking a step anyway which is good.
  • lpelayomaui
    I used Isagenix for 3 years. I initially lost weight on the products, but you just can't stay of a "Cleanse" your whole life. The company is reputable, the training is awesome, and the people a fantastic. But I couldn't continue to using a product that made my cholesterol spike up. I ended up gaining all my weight back, plus some. I was put on high cholesterol medication which made me sick. I had a friend that recommended Shakeology to me. With a 100% money back guarantee, I figured I had nothing to lose. Within 3 months, my cholesterol dropped over 40 points, and I lost 12 pounds.

    It's been over a year now, I'm still drinking Shakeology, and added a great workout program with it. I've lost 16 pounds, 26+ inches, lost 15.5% body fat, and lowered my cholesterol by 48 points. If you are open to hearing how I've done this, I would love to share it with you! Good luck and Aloha from Maui!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    The thing with a lifestyle change is that isagenix is not one. How long can you keep on using it and not eating normally? Not long i bet! How long can you eat good, healthy, nutritious food and exercise and feel good? The rest of your life if you want. It's hard to maintain weight lost without maintaining the lifestyle that helped you lose it.
  • Mamabearsandbl
    Mamabearsandbl Posts: 4 Member
    For me I am seeing that Isagenix is a lifestyle change. I have my coaches I can talk to, and it is the first time I have not been drinking coffee all day in 20 years. I never thought I would quit drinking coffee, but i have. I am learning to look at lables of food at the store and what to look for on them. So I think it depends alot on who your coaches are and which system you try.
  • rainydayboys
    I'm thinking of trying it. My chiropractor and massage therapist - both very health conscious people - recommend it personally.

    If I do it, I don't plan to stay on it beyond the 30 days. My hope is that it would reset me, curb my sugar cravings, help me to get back on track so I can make better food choices afterwards. But I'm afraid that it would be a waste of money, that it wouldn't help break any habits, that my will power is so broken I'd fall off of the cleanse part way through.

    OP - did you end up trying it?
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Just an FYI..their 'cleanse' is just hyped up aloe vera juice. There I just saved you 300 dollars. Your welcome.
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    There is no quick fix solution. A friend of mine did it, lost about 20 lbs as gained it back as soon as she got off it. i really doubt you want to never eat real food again. I think your doc is right, this isn't a quick fix diet you're doing it's a lifestyle change. With a lifestyle change it's something you can maintain for the rest of your life. I'd stick with healthy clean eating, tracking your calories and excersicing. It might take you a bit longer to lose the weight, but you'll be happy later when you've kept yours off and your sister has gained all hers back :-)
  • Chris_2013
    Chris_2013 Posts: 107 Member
    IMO having tried it, Isagenix is a starvation diet. Been there, done that. HATED the shakes and the horrible liquid shots.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    Weird that I saw this today. Got wayyyyyyyy more info that I wanted today and I didn't even ask for it. A lady today told me it would cure my son's autism. Luckily, I am not stupid enough to believe this, but is this the info they are telling people? I told her I thought it was just weight loss and got an earful. I just hope no one actually believes this. Pills and shakes are hard for most autistic kids to take, never mind there is no cure for autism
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Just an FYI..their 'cleanse' is just hyped up aloe vera juice. There I just saved you 300 dollars. Your welcome.

  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Weird that I saw this today. Got wayyyyyyyy more info that I wanted today and I didn't even ask for it. A lady today told me it would cure my son's autism. Luckily, I am not stupid enough to believe this, but is this the info they are telling people? I told her I thought it was just weight loss and got an earful. I just hope no one actually believes this. Pills and shakes are hard for most autistic kids to take, never mind there is no cure for autism

    You will actually hear this about a few other products as well not just this one - about it "curing" your sons autism. Some people will prey on what others yearn to hear. Tread lightly when asking about these products. You will get an earful
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Isagenix is awesome! It is not hype. But, It is not for everyone.

    Cleansing is hard, duh, but is a great way to lose weight or maintain weight. These cleanse products are great! The ingredients are not just this or just that, it is a combination of a lot of ingredients to keep you feeling good while you cleanse.

    Trying to lose weight and maintaining your weight are two totally different phases and you must eat appropriately for them.

    If anyone wants some real feedback from someone who has done the program and also knows what all the ingredients are, then message me for some real and mature feedback.

    Again, not for everyone, but I love it!

    Geez...You wouldn't possibly be selling these products now would you???
    Stop the self-promoting on MFP. For those who don't know, Isagenix is a "pyramid scheme" company. Individuals become "distributors" and then get others to become "distributors" under them. And so on, and so on.