I have been purchasing a bag of "Deluxe Mix" made by Meijer. I am wondering if this is a healthy purchase. The back of the bag says the nut mix is roasted in peanut oil. The mix includes: cashews, almonds,brazils, pecans,filberts, peanut oil and salt. There is no other ingredient in the bag. The nutrition facts say every 20 pieces is 170 calories; 130 of which are from fat. There's 16 total grams of fat. 2.5 grams of saturated fat and 1 gram of sugar. I have always been under the impression that nuts, in general, are good for you. If that is the case, then why are the calories and fat content so high? Are nuts really a healthy snack? I usually can fit the 170 calorie snack in my 1200 daily allotted calorie intake but should I try to find something with a little less calories, or should I stick with the nuts?!