Fitbit steps and activity level

Hello! I purchased a fit bit a couple of weeks ago to get a better understanding of my actual activity level during the day. I was hoping this would help me to better estimate my activity level here on MFP. I was doing a little research and thought I'd pass along the info that I found that might be helpful to others who track steps during the day.

<5000 steps/day = sedentary
5000-7499 steps/day = lightly active
7500-9999 steps/day= moderately active
10000-12449 steps/day = active
12500+ steps/day = very active

I have been well over 10,000 steps per day every day except once in the two weeks since I've been wearing my Fitbit so I moved my activity level up from Sedentary to Fairly Active to see if this helps me to be more accurate in what I am burning. Considering I exercise 6 days a week and am training for a half I think this will be helpful considering the scale hasn't been moving and I'm hoping I just need to up my calories a tad.

Just thought I'd share.
