Can I have a work out recommendation ? Advice! Please


I am 5'0 and 138 pounds,

I feel fine about my stomach Expecially after having a baby 15 months ago but I would like to loose in my butt legs and arms!

I do Zumba but I want a more intense workout, something to push my body to it limit and get me into shape.

What do you recommend? Besides p90x can't afford that.


  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    I personally think you look great!

    Have you tried the library? Ours has quite a few and it is nice to try them out before you buy them.
  • cortreinhardt
    cortreinhardt Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you! My legs are very chunky for my height so I am trying to work on them, I'll have to try the library!
  • ldalal
    ldalal Posts: 7 Member
    Jillian Michael's, any of them but maybe one that requires weights or the kettle bell. I have been doing her 30 day shred for 13 days now and I can already see increased muscle definition and I've lost inches.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I bought ChaLean Extreme off ebay for cheap. Definitely If you are looking to lose inches and lean out---it's working for me. It's like p90x but the workouts are shorter---which is a bonus since you are a mom like me. I am actually starting round 2 now since I loved it and got such awesome results.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    More pictures please.
  • I recommend Wing Chun Kung Fu. I went yesterday and I feel it in my legs, arms, and core. According to my Polar FT4 heart rate monitor, my two hour class burned over 1100 calories. Plus, it gives you a skillset you can use in the outside world.
  • I would try Billy Banks cardio work out, you can get it at Wal-Mart for aprox $13
  • starmist
    starmist Posts: 16 Member
    Martial arts will have sweat dripping off your body. Try capoeira.

    You can also try Short and intense workouts. I do the older workouts; they usually take between 15 - 25 minutes.
  • cortreinhardt
    cortreinhardt Posts: 43 Member
    I've been looking at the Jillian Michaels DVDs and it was so hard to pick which one I wanted off her website! I keep reading about the 30 day shred on here!

    I work out three times a day doing Zumba. I try to get as much done before the baby wakes up sometimes I can get up to 40 mins before he wakes up. Sometimes only 16. I also work out at nap and bed time so finding time to work out is easy for me because I much rather work out then turn on the tv.
  • Another option would be doing body weight exercises like squats or lunges and such. It does not seem like much at the time but you can do them throughout the day for added effect.
  • cortreinhardt
    cortreinhardt Posts: 43 Member
    Another option would be doing body weight exercises like squats or lunges and such. It does not seem like much at the time but you can do them throughout the day for added effect.

    Oh I do squats and they hurt. Lunges and squats are mixed into my Zumba dances but Im sure it wouldnt hurt doing them while I'm picking the toys up instead of bending down lol