Why am I putting on weight?



  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    It's true that you're not eating enough calories. You should be at least at 1200 per day.

    BUT that's not why you're gaining weight. Not this early on. I doubt your metabolism has shifted at all yet.

    The first 6lbs was fluid weight lost, not fat. That's why it came off so quick.

    The gained 3lbs is either

    1) fluid weight going back on (if you have been eating high sodium and not drinking enough water)
    2) fluid and fat going back on because you are underestimating your food cals and overestimating your exercise cals.

    I'm inclined to guess it's #1.

    Back to the issue of eating enough - If you're eating 1000 cals and want to get up to at least 1200 per day you could simply eat any of the following:

    1) a handful of nuts
    2) a banana and an apple
    3) a protein bar with approx 200 cals in it
    4) a tablespoon of peanut butter and jelly on a slice of bread
    5) a glass of 2% milk

    Seriously, 200 more calories isn't that much. you can even 'accidentally' add it by cooking something in a tad too much olive oil!
  • gcampos
    gcampos Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with it being too low. Your body is in starvation mode and is storing it, because it doesn't get enough food and doesn't know when it will get food again. If you add lean protein (chicken, fish and lean ground beef) good fats (coconut oil, olive oil, unsalted nuts.) and a good carb (oatmeal,brown rice,qunioa and low carb fruits ( berries,grape fruits and kiwi.) at every meal you should be good to go. You have to fuel your body! Good Luck :)