


  • DanielleSmilie28
    5 weeks, 10lbs, I think its do-able! Its 2lbs a week, with dedication and determination you can get there!

    Thanks to eating too many pancakes yesterday I'm now at 14lbs to lose in that time to hit my mini goal. I'll join you!

    I didnt have any pancakes :-(
    I've never been a runner or anything but I'm seriously thinking about getting in to that, i know i'd have to start off slow and work my way up. I go to Zumba once a week too....
    Maybe if report weekly?

    Look inco couch 2 5k. That is what got me started running and I have always been overweight and obese. And hated running. Nw I am at working hoping I can go run when I get home in an hour.

    I was thinking of doing couch to 5k when the nights are lighter! I don't fancy running on my own in the dark. It seems like it works though and everyone says good things about it.

    Ps good job not having pancakes, they're addictive!
    I'm going to start swimming at least once a week, and I'd love to find a Zumba class, is it as fun as it looks?


    I love Zumba!! Its so much fun!! Go for it!!!x
  • luv2camp
    luv2camp Posts: 21 Member
    new to the group as well! I was thinking of joining Curves has anyone done that and if so what do you think.
  • DanielleSmilie28
    new to the group as well! I was thinking of joining Curves has anyone done that and if so what do you think.

    I tried Curves but didnt really rate it, i got bored of the same routine every time... Works for some though :-)